Year 2 - Spring 2 - Week 5

Date: 25th Mar 2022 @ 4:16pm

Sp 2 WK 5.jpeg

This week Year 2 have loved making the most of the sunny weather!

In English, we finished reading our story ‘Major Glad and Major Dizzy’. We looked at different diary entries and then planned out our own as if we were the character Major Glad from the story. Then, we created our very own diary entries to describe what was happening and how we were feeling throughout. I was really impressed with the work that the children produced.

In Maths we have continued or work with shapes, focusing on 3D shapes. We drew funny faces on 3D shapes to understand what a face on a shape is. Made frames out of straws and blue tac to understand sides and vertices, explored sorting shapes and making patterns using them and on Friday we had our final quiz that we all did really well in!

We had our usual Music lessons with Mrs. McCardle learning an amazing Easter song on our recorders. In R.E, we continued looking at the Easter Story and began to sequence it into order.

Our Geography lesson had us going on a fact hunt around our classroom to understand more about life in Kenya. Our PE included yoga in the sun and we loved learning the positions of star, crow and tree before making our own combinations and transitions between them.

In PSHE, we learnt all about relaxation and had some amazing discussions about emotions, stress and what we do to relax. Then we went on a sensory walk around the school field, listening to the birds, feeling the grass, smelling the air and counting the colours we could see. In Science we investigated materials and whether we can squash, bend, stretch or twist them and learnt that if something breaks it cannot be bent.

We’ve been working hard on our Easter Service; the songs are sounding great and we’re really enjoying focusing on the meaning of the lyrics and understanding the Easter story more.

Thank you very much to everyone that attended Parents Evening this week. Please remember that Parents Evening is taking place in school next Wednesday and if you can’t make your appointment, then please let me know.

I hope you have a restful week and are raring to go for a final week of the Easter term next week

Year 2 Reminders

  • Parents evening continue at school on Wednesday
  • Trip to Martin Mere on Tuesday
  • Please ensure that children’s hair is tied up if it is longer than shoulder length. This is because cleanliness of hair is paramount.
  • Children’s recorders are to be brought in every Monday for our recorder sessions. If your child would like to take home a recorder, they can be purchased from the school office.
  • Wednesday 30th March, 9:20am, St. Peter’s Church – KS1 Easter Service
  • Frisay 1st April - End of term 1PM