Year 2 - Summer 1 - Week 1

Date: 22nd Apr 2022 @ 5:25pm

!Y2 Summer 1 - week 1.JPG

What an amazing start to Summer Term in Year 2! The children have returned eager to learn and this has created an excellent buzz in our classroom. Curiosity has definitely been a theme for this week with children wanting to learn what a dictionary is used for, how distance can alter our perception of size and how we can work together to look after our Earth.

In RE this week, we looked at special places and what makes a place special to us. We learnt about special places to different religions and recognised a church as a special place for Christians.

In Maths, the children had their multicoloured hats on and impressed us with their ability to articulate answers to solve problems and challenges involving measure, focusing on height and length. They enjoyed comparing their heights to find out who was taller, shorter or the same height as them. Some children have expressed an interest in measuring and would love to continue this at home. Dig out your measuring tapes! I wonder if anyone could send in a photograph of their excellent measuring skills?

On Wednesday the children were introduced to our focus text ‘The Last Wolf’ by Mini Grey. The title sparked an interest in what the word ‘last’ meant, which led us to researching endangered animals. Lots of wonderful vocabulary was used such as extinct, deforestation, devasting and innocent. Using the research, the children then went on to write some inspiring speeches to persuade people to save the animals. I think David Attenborough will be in touch soon to recruit some Year 2 experts to his team!

Our History lesson, introduced us to seaside holidays and we will continue to develop our understanding of what seaside holidays looked like in the past over the next coming weeks. In Science, the children thought about how they could keep their bodies and mind healthy. There were some fabulous ideas such as reading, drinking water and meditating.

Friday’s focus was all about Earth Day and the children came up with interesting ideas for what we could do to look after our planet. They then enjoyed creating collages of the Earth.


A huge well done for your hard work and positive attitudes this week. We are very proud of you and we cannot wait to continue our learning next week.



Year 2 Reminders

  • During Summer 1, PE will continue to take place on a Monday and Thursday. Please ensure children come to school in the correct PE kit on these days.
  • Spellings can be found weekly on Tapestry.
  • As it begins to warm up, please ensure children bring water bottles to school.
  • If your child’s hair is shoulder length or longer, please ensure it is tied back.
  • Love Reading have chosen their 'top book picks' for April and May. More, highly-rated children's reads, from a variety of authors for different age ranges, are shared with us all to enjoy