Year 2 - Summer 1 - Week 4

Date: 13th May 2022 @ 8:23am

!Y2 Summer 1 - week 4.JPG

Year 2 have had another great week, full of learning and laughter.

In Collective Worship we continued looking at special places for Christians by listening to the story of Moses and the building of the Tabernade.

With Mrs Piercy, we had so much fun creating sculptures in the style of Andy Goldsworthy using a variety of nature and natural materials. We were able to sort the materials into different catgories before creating our final designs. 

As you will have seen on our Twitter, we loved using the drama technique of ‘Conscience Alley’ to think like the characters in our focus book ‘The Last Wolf’. We were astonished that the author, Mini Grey, tweeted us back! We also planned and wrote letters to a variety of people from Little Red, persuading them to help plant more trees in the forest, so it is a nicer place for the animals to live. Miss Lucas was extremely impressed with our vocabulary!

In reading sessions, we are fully committed to finding out whether Mr Fox and his family will survive after being trapped by the farmers; Bean, Bunce and Boggis. The children were excellent at inferencing the character’s feelings at different points in the text. It has been lovely to hear children asking what new vocabulary means.

This week we finished our Math’s unit of fractions nicely with some problem solving activities. We noticed sometimes we make small errors by not counting accurately, so we thought it would be a good idea to practise our mental calculations. There is a wonderful app by Whiterose called ‘One minute Maths’, which I highly recommend.

Watch out Usain Bolt, in PE we developed our running techniques and even competed in some races including relay races. This was lots of fun!

In Science, we planned a healthy lunchbox for Little Red to take on her journey through the woods. We looked at the rainbow variety of fruit and vegetables and how they impact our bodies.

Oh, I do like to be beside the seaside. In history, the children shared all their knowledge about the seaside ready to investigate seaside holidays from the past next week. It would be lovely to see some photographs of your family at the seaside.

In the last week of Summer 1, we will be holding a talent show in our classroom. The children who wish to participate have been practising their acts. On Thursday 22nd May, children are allowed to bring in costumes, music and props to accompany their act. The final of our talent show will take place on Friday 23rd May in the hall.


Fingers crossed for a sunny weekend!

Year 2 Reminders:

· Please can jumpers and cardigans be labelled.

· If your child has finished reading their reading book, they can bring it in to change it, even if it is not their reading day.

· SATs weeks will be w/b 16th May and 23rd May.