Year 2 - Summer 2 - Week 1

Date: 9th Jun 2022 @ 9:11am

!Y2 Summer 2 w1.JPG

Welcome back after an eventful half term break full of celebrations. The children enjoyed sharing what they had been up to in the holidays, they even wrote a recount and a letter thanking someone in their English lessons this week. These were lovely to read.

 In collective worship we are focusing on truthfulness which links to our school value of Serve. This week, we looked at the story of ‘The Boy Who Cried Wolf’ and discussed morals.

 In RE, the children completed their unit on Special Places by focusing on what is special about a church.

 This half term in English, we will be focusing on story telling. On Wednesday, we were introduced to our focus book ‘Grandad’s Secret Giant’ by David Litchfield. We will be developing our story telling skills through focused activities around this text. 

 In Maths, we have looked at measuring in centimetres and metres. We now know how to use rulers to measure accurately and have been exploring measuring using metre sticks. It has been lovely to see many children accessing the challenges set in Maths lessons this week, well done everyone!

 On Wednesday, it was World Ocean Day, so we joined WWF on a zoom webinar to learn about how we can help our oceans. This sparked lots of discussion and the children expressed their love for the ocean through art.

 In PSHE, we drew around our hands and decorated them with messages to remind us to use kind hands with our friends. We really enjoyed this activity.

 The children have thoroughly enjoyed learning about seaside holidays in the past, investigating photographs and comparing similarities and differences to our seaside holidays now to those in the Victorian era. The children particularly enjoyed learning about how the Victorians travelled to the coast by steam train. We have also been singing ‘Beside the seaside’.

 In PE, we practised our aiming and tracking skills for striking and fielding games and also began preparation for our upcoming Sports Day.

 In preparation for our Commonwealth Games celebration and National Music Day we have started to learn the song ‘Sing’ the Commonwealth version by Gary Barlow. Please encourage your child to continue to learn the lyrics outside of school, so they can fully participate on the day. 

Thank you for a fabulous week!



  • Please can children bring their yellow diaries to school daily as we are increasing the number of reads children have in the week. There will be no set day for reading to an adult. All children will have one read recorded in their yellow diary by an adult during the week.
  • Children are allowed to change their reading book on any day.
  • Spelling test will be on Thursday. Please ensure all spelling books are in school.