Year 2 - Summer 2 - Week 3

Date: 23rd Jun 2022 @ 8:11am


What a glorious week we have had in Year 2! There has been a lovely sense of positivity in the air and this has definitely shone through into the children’s work. Miss Lucas has been amazed at everyone’s writing this week; it has been FANTASTIC!

 In Collective Worship, we have been delving further into our focus of ‘truthfulness’. We have read many stories such as Pinocchio, Ruthie and the (not so) Teeny Lie and the Emperor’s New Clothes. The children have been discussing how they feel towards lying and have participated in an activity where they had to decide what the best choice would be in some tricky situations. Often, lying is easy and gets us out of trouble initially, but we think lies can grow and they can make us feel worried, especially when they get out of hand. We shared ideas for how to promote telling the truth.

 We had a wonderful day on Tuesday celebrating the Commonwealth Games 2022 and National Music Day. We started the day by writing pledges detailing what we hope for the world. The children had some amazing ideas such as ‘I hope people stop littering’, ‘I hope everyone takes care of all of the animals’ and ‘I hope everyone in the world can have a safe place to live’. The children showed great maturity and kindness during this task. Then we excitedly ran a ‘Lap of Hope’ around the school grounds. In the afternoon, we joined together as a whole school and sang ‘Sing’ to finish off the day. There was a great sense of community bursting out of our school walls. It was a precious moment for all involved. A huge thank you to Cass for sharing one of the 2012 Olympic torches with us!

 We have continued focusing on the Commonwealth Games in our PE lesson where we explored the game of basketball. This was a huge hit with lots of the children!

 In English, the children have been getting into character to write diary entries and letters. Vocabulary choices and sentence types have been exceptional and Miss Lucas is so proud of everyone’s efforts. In reading, we answered questions about the story ‘The Elves and The Shoemaker’ and then explored a poem all about giants. We have even been reading ‘The BFG’ for our end of the day class novel. Miss Lucas has thoroughly enjoyed listening to us all read our home school reading books and spending time talking about lots of interesting topics that come up in the books.

 This week, we used our English work to inspire our Art lesson. We focused on the image of Billy and his Grandad getting caught in a storm when they were sailing in their boat. The children used watercolour to create their own stormy sea paintings.

 In Maths, we are now focusing on telling the time. This week, we have consolidated telling the time to the hour and half past and have introduced the children to quarter past and quarter to on the analogue clock. This would be an ideal time to children to start wearing a watch and keep attempting to tell the time. Time is a mathematical concept which is best mastered through practise little and often and when applied to real life scenarios.

 In Science, we have continued our topic of ‘Masterchefs’ by sorting out some shopping based on what the food provides for humans. Lots of interesting discussions were had about different food categories and how food can help our bodies to grow, concentrate and give us energy.

 We have ended the week with a wonderful afternoon at our Summer Fair. The children thoroughly enjoyed exploring the stalls and activities with their friends. We hope anyone who participated in the Mini Mudder had the best time!

 Wishing you a wonderful weekend, see you on Monday!