Year 2 - Summer 2 - Week 4

Date: 1st Jul 2022 @ 3:15pm


On your marks, get set, go! This week we had our wonderful sports day and the rain did not dampen our positive attitudes and energy. Everyone showed excellent teamwork and support for one another. Everyone is a winner in our class!

 In Collective Worship, we read the Bible story of Adam and Eve and discussed truthfulness. We also discussed times when Jesus was honest and told the truth. We focused on Pentecost in RE and represented our learning by writing prayers on flame templates, as flames appeared above the disciples’ heads when the Holy Spirit came to them. 

 In English, we finished reading our focus book ‘Grandad’s Secret Giant’. The children were able to identify how emotions had changed for the characters throughout the story. Everyone wrote beautiful letters to the Giant to encourage him to return back to the town. It was lovely to see children using more adventurous vocabulary this week. As we are improving our editing skills, Miss Lucas taught us how to use a dictionary, so we can check our spellings independently. The children loved having dictionary races!

 In Reading this week we have focused on the Grimm bothers, who wrote all the wonderful traditional tales we have been reading. The children found their lives and jobs fascinating. As well as this, we have been reading The BFG as our class novel. The children loved hearing about the dream jars.

 In Maths, we have worked our socks off learning how to tell the time. We think we have mastered o’clock, half past, quarter past and quarter to. We are now working on ensuring we are confident to tell the time using 5 minute intervals. We demonstrated our understanding of 5 past up to half past, but when it came to counting how many minutes to the next hour, it got a little bit trickier. Please encourage your child to start telling the time at home to reinforce this learning. There are some catchy songs on Youtube to help, one of the children’s favourites is ‘Hip Hop Around the Clock’.

 In PE, as well as having our sports day, we began to learn the game of rounders. The children listened really well and all had a go at batting and fielding. We can’t wait for our next game!

  In Geography, we have been looking at the continents and oceans of the world. Then we focused on identifying physical and human features of the seaside. A physical feature is something already on the land, whereas a human feature is something a human has made. When you are out and about, I wonder how many physical features and human features you can spot?

 Friday was really exciting as we began our Design and Technology topic of ‘Perfect Pizza’. We became researchers and tasted a variety of margherita pizzas. We then rated them based on taste, smell, appearance and texture. We discussed what makes a good pizza and whether this is based on someone’s opinion. We also talked about improvements that could be made to some of the pizzas. Everyone is looking forward to making their own pizza next week at Pizza Express. I wonder what ratings these pizzas will get?



Year 2 reminders:

  • Please remind children to change their reading books any day of the week.
  • Yellow reading records in school daily.
  • Spelling books in school on Thursday.

Our school book fair is currently taking place in the school portacabin and is open from 3.05pm to 3.30pm each day after school until next Wednesday 6th July. All purchases made, result in more books for our class libraries! Please do support us if you are able to, and thank you to those of you who have supported this event already. Your support is very much appreciated.