Year 2 - Autumn 1 - Week 1

Date: 5th Sep 2023 @ 9:49pm



What a brilliant, sunny start we have had to Year 2!

We have loved welcoming all the children back to school this week and have had so much fun whilst making the most of the sunshine. Each afternoon, we have ventured onto the field to play a range of team games as well as making use of the incredibly fun, Trim Trail. Working together, we have created our own games as well as playing the classic game, 'Duck, Duck,Goose' a firm favourite. We hope the sunshine stays so we can make the most of the weather in the coming weeks.

We hit the ground running with Maths, and began exploring our topic, Place Value. We explored numbers in different variations, identifying and writing down their numerals and words. After, we focused on counting large groups by grouping objects by grouping them in groups of tens. This supported us later in the week, when we were able to identify tens and ones in given numbers, using practical resources to help.

In English, we completed whole class Phonics, recapping previously taught sounds whilst focusing on developing our reading speed. Using this knowledge, and using images and drawings to support, we developed our writing style, starting by writing about our summer holidays and ending the week by describing a range of images. Next week, the children will be grouped based on their Phonics ability, and will complete work associated with their Phonics books.

As well as enjoying the sunshine this week, we have also been completing a series of activities linked to the story 'Can you build another me?' Using this book, we have explored what makes us unique, identifying our own likes and dislikes, as well as what we can and can't do. After we all decided on one thing we want to get better at before the end of the year, and planned exactly what we can do to achieve this. The fun didn't stop there though, on Thursday we got crafty, creating our own versions of ourselves! It was certainly messy but also a LOT of fun! On Friday, we painted our models, and were delighted when we were able to take them home!

Attached to this blog, you will find a copy of the 'Successful Start' Powerpoint, which was shared before summer. This Powerpoint is full of useful information for the year ahead.

For now, we hope you all have a restful weekend!


  • Children will not receive a reading book this week and will instead recieve a book based on their phonetical awareness. Please see School Spider for more information.
  • PE days are Mondays and Wednesdays, please ensure children are in the correct uniform.
  • Children can bring a healthy snack to school, however, please be aware that all children are provided with fruit and vegetables each day.

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