Year 3 - Spring 2 - Week 5

Date: 26th Mar 2021 @ 1:37pm


The Spring term has flown by! Well done to all the children for their consistent hard work and determination over the past few months. They have embraced new learning opportunities with enthusiasm and resilience.

This week, in Maths, we continued our topic of measurement by adding and subtracting different lengths in millimetres, centimetres and meters. We also learnt how to calculate the perimeter of shapes.

In RE, we retold the Easter story and created a flow map to sequence the events. We also learnt about the different symbols of Easter and what they represent. We then enjoyed some tasty hot cross buns!

In Collective Worship, we went on a virtual Easter journey led by the B-Tales. We thoroughly enjoyed taking part in the interactive activities and creating our own crosses to carry with us.

In Science, we concluded our topic, ‘Opposites Attract’ by completing an investigation to test the magnetic properties of different objects. We tested a variety of objects and concluded that magnetic materials are always made of metal, but not all metals are magnetic.

To conclude our Easter festivities, we created our own Easter baskets and went on a special Easter egg hunt! We showed some excellent team work as we worked together to solve the addition and subtraction word problems to win the chocolate eggs!


Spellings for the first week back are on Google Classroom.

Have a wonderful Easter break and we look forward to welcoming you all back in the Summer term!