Year 3 - Autumn 1 - Week 1

Date: 3rd Sep 2021 @ 3:49pm

Year 3 Class 2021.jpg

What a wonderful start to Year 3! It has been an absolute pleasure to welcome the children back to school after what appears to be, a fun filled summer holiday!

We have had a busy week filled with excitement and intrigue! We have been tasked by Russel and Carl, from UP, to help them by completing a series of tasks. Our first task focused round the words ‘kindness and support’ linking to our school value, Nurture. We recalled times where we had been kind and supportive and how this, lifts people up, reflecting on times where we may have been unhelpful, which could weigh us down, throwing the later away and letting go.

We then focused on setting ourselves targets and challenges for the year, we talked about how in order to achieve them, we must work hard to adapt and develop our ‘I can do it’ attitude and resilience. I wonder what challenges lie ahead for us next week!

From Monday 6th, children will be sent home with a reading book according to their reading day.

A gentle reminder that children need to come into school dressed in their outdoor PE kit every Wednesday and Friday.

Children have now been set up on their new interactive platform, ‘Google Classroom’ and logins have now been sent home. Please ensure that your child is confident logging on and navigating the site. We will use this platform regularly in class to support their learning. Please note that work set on Google Classroom is to be complete in class and not to be completed at home.

Weekly spellings will be shared on Google Classroom, every Friday. This allows children time to practice their spellings at home, and in school, in preparation for our spelling quiz which will take place the following Thursday. This will start next week.

Well done for all your hard work this week Year 3, have a lovely weekend and I will see you all on bright and early on Monday! Don’t forget to check us out on Twitter.