Year 3 - Autumn 1 - Week 3

Date: 22nd Sep 2023 @ 4:16pm



We have had a wonderful week in Year 3.

 In RE, we began our unit "Called by God."  Our aim in this unit is to consider what it means to be called by God and the responses people have made to that call.  All of the children thought of ways they are asked to do things in their everyday lives.  Many of their answers included chores at home or helping with younger siblings.  A new star vocabulary word was introduced, as well:  Prophet.  Next week, we will be studying about different Prophets from the Old Testament and creating questions we would like to ask them.

 In our English reading and writing lesson, we read a poem called Seal by Robert Frost. We found interesting verbs to describe the movement of water as well as highlighting prepositions that we focused on last week.  We then created our own list of verbs to describe the movement of different sea animals. Which we will be able to incorporate in to next weeks lesson when we write our own ‘What am I?’ poem.

In Spanish this week, we stuck with our ‘under the sea’ theme and learnt a fantastic and very catchy song about el pez (the fish) and el cangrejo (the crab). We added actions to help us learn and remember our new song.

 Place value has continued to be our focus in Maths delving deeper into the value of digits in a three digit number. We also have been using the number line to estimate numbers and figuring out the intervals on number lines with missing labels proved to be very tricky but using the learning curve the children persevered and are feeling more confident.

 During our reading lessons we have been focusing on ‘The Sea Book’ which is a non-fiction text. We have investigated the roles of a ‘contents’ page and an ‘index’ page. The children also practised their dictionary skills to see if they could find definitions of words within the text.

  In Geography, we are focusing on our topic ‘Our European Neighbours’ and this week we looked at identifying and locating countries in Europe. The children used their laptops to navigate a map of Europe and then identify and label the countries on a map.

In PE, we have now mastered our point and patch balances and have moved on to use a variety of different levels. Exploring balance, shape and jumping on a different level. We certainly have some fantastic gymnasts this year!

A poster containing 100 recommended reads for Year 3 children has been attached to this blog. By providing 100 quality texts at an age appropriate level, this list may be useful when choosing your child's next book. We hope it inspires the children to continue on in their reading journeys whilst further encouraging a lifelong love of books and stories.

Enjoy your weekend, Year 3. See you on Monday!

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