Year 3 - Autumn 1 - Week 7

Date: 20th Oct 2023 @ 8:59pm

Week 7.jpg


What a fantastic final week of half term we have had in Year 3!

In Maths, we continued with our topic on Addition and Subtraction, which we will continue with after half term. We have been working hard on mastering the column addition formula before we move on to exchanging next term.

In Science, we completed our topic of learning about how the systems inside our body works to make a healthy human. This week we focused on understanding that animals, including humans, need the right type of nutrition. We were able to identify the five different food groups and create our balanced nutritional meal. Next term we will be starting our new topic investigating forces and magnets.

In RE, we finished our topic on what it means to be ‘Called by God’. We had a fantastic discussion considering what Prophets of today would speak in favour of or speak out against.

In Geography, we ended our topic by finding out about the human and physical features of a European country and as a class we chose Spain to focus on and used a variety of sources to explore the features of Spain.

During Computing, we had a fantastic conversation on how to stay safe online. We focused closely on 'our online identity' and how it is important to not share any personal information online even down to creating a lookalike avatar. We solidified our learning by creating 'Staying safe online' posters that we have displayed by our laptops in our classroom. 

Have a wonderful half term Year 3!


Our PE days will remain the same for Autumn 2 taking place on Monday and Friday.