Year 3 - Autumn 2 - Week 1

Date: 3rd Nov 2023 @ 8:52pm


Autumn 2.jpg

What a fabulous and busy first week back we have had in Year 3. We have had so much fun, especially when filming dance clips for our whole school Kindness music video. We have some fantastic dancers in Year 3!

 On Monday, we focused on working on our author books. The children were so excited to write their final piece of work from ‘The Seal Surfer’. Adding some fantastic artwork, the finished pieces look super!

 For RE this week, we started our unit on Christmas. During this topic, we will be asking the question:  How does the presence of Jesus impact on people's lives. The children discussed ways in which Christians believe that God us with us.

 In English, the children were introduced to our focus text ‘Winter’s Child’. We have been describing the setting using adjectives and prepositions and investigating the relationships between the characters. The children loved using drama techniques to role-play a conversation between the characters ‘Tom’ and ‘Mum’. Then, they wrote their conversations down focusing on inverted commas and put our new spelling rule to the test using ‘a’ and ‘an’ correctly.

In Maths, we have focused on column subtraction where exchanges have been needed to enable us to calculate accurately using this method. This week, we concentrated on exchanging across the tens, next week we will move on to exchanging across the hundreds. The children were excited to use ‘Learning by Question’ to review their place value knowledge on their laptops.

 In Guided Reading, we have begun our new text ‘Ice Palace’ and this week we have been clarifying new vocabulary by using our laptops to help us find and understand the meanings.

 In Science, we started our new topic focusing on Forces and Magnets. During our introductory lesson, the children investigated how we make a variety of different objects move. The children could describe pushes and pulls as a type of force and explain how different objects move using these forces. Next week we will look at whether objects move the same on different surfaces.

 We hope you have an enjoyable weekend and cannot wait to see you again on Monday.



- Please ensure children bring a warm coat to school with them every day.