Year 3 - Autumn 2 - Week 4

Date: 24th Nov 2023 @ 9:38pm



Another amazing, fun-filled week in Year 3!

 In RE, this week the children discussed the significance of ‘Emmanual’ and thought about the meaning behind the name ‘God with us.’ We continued to listen to Christmas carols and enjoyed spotting the name Emmanual. The children solidified their learning by creating beautiful Christmas cards that demonstrated their understanding of Emmanual. Next week, we will continue our unit about “Christmas, God with Us” The children will discuss how Jesus has an impact on our lives today.   

 In English, we have continued our work on Winter’s Child. We had a great discussion about a new character we had been introduced to in the story. The children made accurate predictions based on what they knew from the text. The children were challenged to explain how we knew, and where the evidence was from for our thoughts and to ponder on questions and puzzling elements of the story. Drawing on our retrieval skills used to evidence opinions this week. We also focused on using conjunctions in our sentences and explored placing them at the start of sentences to vary sentence structure. We also had lots of fun coming up with similes using ‘like’ and ‘as’ to describe the winter setting.

 In Maths, we have concentrated on estimating, using inverse operations, compliments to 100 and discussing strategies we can use to ensure our working out is accurate. The children are also growing in confidence each day using column addition and column subtraction across 100.

On Tuesday, Active Sefton taught the children all about saturated and unsaturated fats. They sorted foods into the correct categories and found out there are good and bad fats for our bodies. The children were able to see what can happen to our arteries over time if we eat too many saturated fats and the children learned that a balanced diet and exercise can help them be the healthiest version of themselves.

 In Reading, we have been thoroughly enjoying our creepy book ‘The Ice Palace’. The children are on the edge of their seats, and we can’t wait to find out what happens to Ivan on his quest to rescue his brother from the evil Stajik. The children used their dictionary skills to search for new vocabulary they had been introduced to. Year 3 worked hard completing comprehension questions and were able to retrieve key information from the text to clarify their answers.   

 In History, the children were eager to delve further into evidence from the Stone Age. We looked at the incredible Skara Brae. The children were intrigued to learn about one of Britain’s most fascinating prehistoric villages. We learnt that archaeologists estimate that it was built and occupied over 3000 BC, during the ‘Neolithic era’ or ‘New Stone Age’. The children were able to use a range of different sources to make deductions about the Stone Age way of life by studying evidence of the buildings left behind.

During D&T, we continued learning about seasonal foods and we discussed the terms ‘Import’ and ‘Export.’ We then mastered our cutting skills using a vegetable knife and peeler correctly and safely. We can’t wait to put our new skills to the test over the coming weeks as we prepare to make a seasonal tart.

 We hope you have a lovely weekend, and we are looking forward to Monday already!