Year 3 - Autumn 2 - Week 6

Date: 8th Dec 2023 @ 8:28pm


Year 3 - Week 6.jpg


We finished our RE topic “Christmas: God with Us.” The children solidified their learning by using self-assessment to demonstrate their deeper understating of the Christmas Story, the concept of incarnation and how God was present at the birth of Jesus ‘Emmanual’. When we return after Christmas, we will begin our new topic that will deepen the children’s insight into the impact Jesus had/has on people’s lives.


In Maths, we drew on our previous learning of arrays from Year 2 to remind ourselves how we can utilise arrays when using multiplication.  We had lots of fun playing our array games with our shoulder partners. We have also been focusing on multiples of 5 and 10 this week.


In Design and Technology, we had lots of fun tasting various vegetables and other ingredients. We discussed the taste and textures and decided which flavours would work best in our seasonal tart. The children then designed a ‘mock-up’ of their tarts using various materials to represent the vegetables, pesto and/or tomato puree and puff pastry. We are excited to get cooking next week.


We have been planning for our ‘big write’ in English this week. The children thoroughly enjoyed our book Winter’s Child and now they have the opportunity to retell the story using their fantasy character in place of Winter’s child. Using similes, time adverbs, prepositions, and noun phrases to help sequence our stories and make them even more fantastical.


In PSHE, we have been focusing on dealing with conflict and bullying. We had some fantastic discussions about how we deal with conflict in different situations. The Year 3 children demonstrated how caring and considerate they were when we talked about bullying and how to handle the situation as both a victim of bullying and an onlooker. Well done Year 3!


Have a super festive weekend!