Year 3 - Autumn 2 - Week 7

Date: 16th Dec 2023 @ 8:07pm


Year 3 - Christmas 2(1).JPG


What a magical (almost) end to the Autumn Term we have had in Year 3. On Monday, we had our annual schoolwide sing-off. The school was separated into four houses and only had an hour to rehearse the words and dance moves for their given Christmas song. We all reconvened in the hall and sang and danced our hearts out to compete for house sing-off champions.  

Christmas dinner was on the menu this week and we certainly filled our boots. We celebrated with our friends and teachers as we sang to Christmas music and wore our Christmas hats and pulled Christmas crackers. The festive celebrations didn’t end there, as we gathered to complete our own TSP Santa Dash. We dashed around the school on the hunt for clues to reveal the name of the reindeer hidden behind each clue. We crossed off the reindeer names associated with the teacher from the list until we were left with only one teacher we thought was hiding a red nose!

Our classroom was filled with glitter and Christmas crafts this week. We enjoyed Christmas party day, dressed in our favourite Christmas jumpers we danced around the classroom, sang along to Christmas songs, and played lots of festive party games.

We completed our ‘big write’ in English, the children worked so hard and took such pride in demonstrating all they had learnt over this term. They included lots of the grammatical features we have learnt this half term.  Similes, conjunctions, prepositions and using inverted commas to punctuate the direct speech. Well done Year 3! When we return, we will be focusing on ‘The Stone Age Boy’, which the children are very excited about.

 In January, we will be continuing with multiplication and division objectives so any work that you can do on TT Rockstars, Sumdog or Hit the Button (or in your own way) over the Christmas break would be very helpful for when we meet again. There will be additional resources added to Google Classroom if you wish to utilise those.

Have a lovely Christmassy weekend, Year 3!


  • School finishes at 1 pm next Tuesday 19th December
  • School will resume on Monday 8th January 2024.