Year 3 - Spring 1 -Week 1

Date: 7th Jan 2022 @ 4:10pm

!Y3 Dodgeball.jpg

Happy New Year to you all!

We hope you all had a wonderful, restful break and enjoyed the Christmas festivities.We have had a busy start to our new term and have loved being back at school. 

To celebrate Epiphany, the Christian feast day celebration, we reflected on the journey the Three Wise Men took to visit the baby Jesus. We used our globe to look at the possible, long journey they made as well as looking in depth at the various gifts they brought and their meanings. Afterwards, we imagine we were back with the Wise Men and thought of our own gifts to share. 

In Reading, we were given two book reviews for our new story. We had to work together to work out what our story could be about. The reviews describe the story as being a 'science fiction fairy tale' so using our bubble thinking maps, we compared to two genres, deciding how they could be similar and different. Using clues from the book reviews and a series of picutures, we worked out that our book was about something from 'out of this world' and made of metal. We were delighted to learn that our new story is 'Iron Man'. On Thursday, we dived straight into it, unpicking some of the more interesting and complex language as well as how the author had repeated words and phrases to add affect. 

We continued with Multiplication and Divison in Maths, ad spent time recalling our number knowledge surronding the 3,4,8 times tables and applied this to our work. Next week we will continue to unpick this topic, using our knowledge to solving missing number questions and related number facts.

We have loved PE this week, and have had great fun exploring one our new topics 'Dodgeball'. The brilliant Mr Brindley from Formby High School gave us a great introduction, teaching us different techniques in regards to catching, throwing and dodging the ball. Our dodging skills were certainly put to the test, dodging the villains and catching the saviour balls from the superheroes. We cannot wait for more dodgeball action next week! 

In Art, we learnt about the wonderful artist 'Vincent Van Gough' and were shocked to discover that he created over 2000 art works before his death at 37! We delved deep into his art work, focusing specifically on his use of lines and how he used them to create texture and depth. Using acrylics, we had a o at creating our own art work using a range of different size lines to add detail. It was a lot trickier than it it looked, having a new found apprecation for the different paint techiques used in his art work.

It has been a joy to have the children back in class and we look forward to the fantastic term we have to come. For more information on what we will be learning about this term, please click here.

Have a wonderful weekend!


-Year 3 PE takes place every Wednesday and Thursday

-New spellings can be found on Google Classroom and will be tested next week.

- Please can I remind girls that their hair should be tied up, especially on PE days. 

- A letter has gone out about our school trip to the museum, please can I ask parents to read through the letter for more information about costs and expectations.