Year 3 - Spring 1 - Week 3

Date: 21st Jan 2022 @ 4:56pm


Where has that week gone?

In English, we have continued to read and unpick our story ‘The Stone Age Boy’. At the start of the week we developed our writing skills with specific focus on using the present perfect tense. To do this, we had to travel back in time taking on the role of Tom and using drama to complete a range of activities from hunting, cooking and even tool making! We thought carefully about how were doing these actions compiling a list of adverbs to support our writing. Afterwards, we applied this to our writing, creating a diary entry focusing on writing in the present perfect tense. Later in the week, we learnt all about the different animals that lived during the Stone Age creating sentences using past and present tense depending on whether the species was extinct. We ended our week with yet more drama, selecting different scenes from the story and creating ‘Freeze Frames’ to depict the actions. Again, we discussed the different adverbs we could use to add more detail to our actions. This allowed us to begin to plan a narrative using our flow maps, selecting not only the actions taking place but how the characters might be feeling and what they might be saying. Next week, we will build on this creating our own narratives for the story using our knowledge from this week.

In Art, we continued to look at Vincent Van Gough, focusing on how he always reviewed, adapted and updated his work which allowed him to improve. We used the flowers from last week again, this time discussing how our tone and shading might change due to the flowers dying. Art is certainly a hit in Year 3, creating a calm and inspiring atmosphere.

In Spanish, we continued with our topic about fruit and learnt two new phases; ‘Me gustan..’ and ‘No me gustan..’ allowing us to formulate sentences in Spanish indicating whether we like or disliked certain fruit. It was a lot trickier than we thought but created a real buzz around the classroom!

In Maths, we used our multiplication knowledge to help us solve some tricky two-digit division questions. By self-selecting resources and using a variation of taught methods, we all took on the challenge. Next week, we will continue on our division journey and learn all about remainders.

What is darkness? This was our science question this week. With the lights off an the blinds shut we started to investigate this question in more detail. We learnt that without light, we simply cannot see. We dug deeper and connected our learning to RE, discussing how Jesus is the light of the world as he is there to support Christians when they find themselves in their darkest moments. We ended our lesson playing a very fun torch game!

PE was a hit again this week! The wonderful Mr Brindle from Formby High was back bringing all is enthusiasm and energy. This week we developed out precision and power dodgeball skills, working in teams to hit our opponents in an exciting lesson of ‘Walk the Line’. We cannot wait for him to return next week when we will start our new Kin-Ball lessons.  

‘The Iron Man’ is still a massive hit in our Reading lessons and the extra copy in our library is creating a real buzz. We practiced our retrieval and inference skills this week finding answers within the text to help us answer comprehension questions.

This month's top book picks from 'Love Reading' have been released today. It shares exciting new story books from a variety of authors for different age ranges. 

Year 3, you have been incredible! We hope you have a wonderful weekend!


  • Parent-Teacher Meetings will take place on Monday 24th and Tuesday 25th January. The link has been sent to you via School Spider and can also be found below;

    Meeting ID: 927 0130 4504

    Passcode: TSPY3

  • PE this term will be on a Wednesday and a Thursday. Please can children come to school in the correct kit.