Year 3 - Spring 1 - Week 3

Date: 27th Jan 2024 @ 11:35am


Year 3 - Week 3!.jpg

What another fantastic we have had in Year 3!

We started our week with RE, continuing our topic ‘Jesus, the man who changed lives’ We started to unpick the question ‘What is change?’ We reflected on what has changed in our lives and how changes can be physical as well as emotional. We then discussed why change is important. Next week, we will look at Jesus’ twelve disciples as we unpick their stories, comparing their lives before and after they met Jesus and how their lives changed.

We are thoroughly enjoying The Iron Man book for our Guided Reading lessons. On Wednesday, we imagined how we would react if The Iron Man appeared in Formby. Asking ourselves; Where might he go? What might he do? What would he eat? How would people react? How might reactions differ? In our Thursday lesson, we focused on identifying noun phrases within the text to describe how the Iron Man appears to Hogarth. Next week, we will be delving further into our novel as we discuss alliteration, become local newspaper journalists and create some fiercely fantastic headlines.

In English, this week we started by using our 4c double bubble diagram to compare Stone Age food to Modern Day food. The children considered what foods are eaten, how it is cooked and how it is preserved for eating later. Using this to support their writing the children wrote a comparison using past tense for Stone Age and present tense for now. Later in the week, introducing the present perfect form the children concluded the week by planning and then writing a  report for the ‘community leader’ detailing everything they had done during the day in the Stone Age community, focusing on applying the present perfect. Well done Year 3!

It has been a busy week in Maths, the children have been working hard and persevering with dividing a 2-digit number by a 1-digit number using flexible partitioning. It was a tricky concept to grasp at first, but we didn’t give up and used our learning curve to keep pushing through until we mastered the concept. Next week, we will conclude this unit by focusing on dividing with remainders and solving problems which will include positive integer scaling problems.

 We are having so much fun in our Spanish lessons learning about ‘la fruta’. In this unit the children are learning 10 fruits and have been introduced to simple opinions ‘I like’ and ‘I do not like’ through interactive games and songs.  By the end of this unit, the children will have the knowledge and skills to be able to say which fruits they like and do not like in Spanish.

In Science, we asked ‘What is reflective light?’ We discussed that we can see things because light is reflected. Light travels in straight lines. When light from an object is reflected by a surface, it changes direction. We continued to investigate looking at materials and how some reflect better than others. Smooth, shiny surfaces such as mirrors and polished metals reflect light well. Dull and dark surfaces such as dark fabrics do not reflect light well. We solidified our learning by creating an information poster to encourage children to wear something reflective when they are outside in the dark.

We also took the time this week to remember those who suffered in the Holocaust, under Nazi persecution. We created a reembrace poster to highlight the reasons why it is so important to mark this Memorial Day.  

Have a restful weekend and we look forward to seeing you all on Monday.