Year 3 - Spring 1 - Week 5

Date: 3rd Feb 2022 @ 4:10pm


What another fun and action-packed week here in Year 3!

This week has been full of interesting and exciting events and opportunities for learning. As part of National Story Telling Week and Climate Coalition month, the Year 3 children took part in a fun and interactive zoom call with ‘Dan Freedman’ the author of the ‘Jamie Johnson’ and the ‘Unstoppable’ series. We were lucky enough to have one of our questions answered by Dan, asking him what Jamie was going to do to tackle climate change in his next book.

We also had two major celebrations this week, Chinese New Year and the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee. For Chinese New Year, we created our own dragons from paper plates and explored what animal we belonged too. To mark the Queen’s Jubilee, we designed and created our own bunting in preparation for our celebrations in June.

In English, we started to plan our own version of the story ‘The Stone Age Boy’. We thought carefully about where and how our new character would end up in the Stone Age as well as our problem and resolution. At the end of the week, we used our plans to begin writing our new stories. The children ensured their writing was to a high standard by adding in adjectives, adverbs, and prepositions throughout. We cannot wait to finish them next week and add them to our author books!

In Maths, we have been getting money mad here in Year 3! Recapping the value of coins and notes, adding them together to create set amounts. It took some of us a little while to remember to add those pesky symbols but by the end of the week we had all cracked it. Next week, we will continue to develop this knowledge, answering more complex money related questions.

Science this week took a mysterious turn! Using torches and objects from around the classroom we investigate how shadows were formed using our scientific language of transparent, translucent, and opaque. We had so much fun and cannot wait to finish our topic on ‘Mirror, Mirror’ next week!

Music was a hit again this week! We started the lesson by recapping rhythm, working hard to beat our drums at the same time allowing a clear sound. After, we began to learn a new song, The Avengers theme tune! It was quite tricky, but we persevered and had so much fun! Look on our twitter to see our rendition!

In RE, we continued with our topic ‘Jesus, the man who changed us’ focusing on how our lives have changed and could continue to change as well as investigate how Jesus’ disciples’ lives changed after they met him.

Mr Brindle from Formby High was back again this week with another exciting rounders lesson! We focused on catching and fielding, building on last week’s batting skills whilst playing yet again, another highly competitive game!


- Tuesday 8th February is our class trip. Please can I remind all parents to send their children into school with a packed lunch in a disposable bag.

- PE days will continue to take place on a Wednesday and a Thursday.

- Please can I ask that when you read with your child at home, that it is recorded on the online reading journal on Google Classroom.