Year 3 - Spring 2 - Week 3

Date: 12th Mar 2022 @ 10:46am


What an inspiring week here, in Year 3.

This week we marked National Careers Week at school. To start this off, Year 3 had a fantastic visit, over zoom, from Dr Meera, who described her path into the extremely difficult world of Medicine. We were given a whistle stop tour on Meera’s long and gruelling education journey as well as difficulties faced by her predecessors as part of International Women’s Day. We loved asking intriguing questions and it certainly made us think carefully about a career in Medicine. Our inspirational talks didn’t stop there, at the end of the week we had a visit from two incredible police officers PC Callum and PC Laura from Merseyside Police. Both officers shared an insight into the police force, sharing stories, one involving a very pesky sheep! PC Laura shared some insights into the profession for women, and we were shocked to learn that when she joined the force, she was expected to wear a skirt and was given less equipment that her make counter parts. We were pleased to learn that nowadays; women make up just under 50% of the police force in Merseyside. We were also amazed to learn that the first warranted female officer, Edith Smith, was born and raised not far from us in Runcorn. Both visits left us feeling truly inspired and allowed us to have incredible discussions about our futures.

Most of our Maths, Writing and Reading lessons have been taken up by practice assessments this week. The children have shown true determination and resilience when approaching these assessments and I could not be prouder of them!

In English, we continued to explore our non-fiction text, The Big Blue Whale, writing our information in paragraphs, using subheadings and a range of literacy features including prepositions, adjectives, and adverbs, with a special focus on front adverbials, to make our writing more interesting. However, we had to take care to ensure that our writing stayed factual to ensure that it we did not turn it into a story. Next week, we will continue to develop our non-fiction writing.

In Maths, we took our learning outside to help us dive headfirst into our topic of measurement. We took time to draw and measure a range of lines, drawn by chalk, in cm. We then took time to convert these measurements into mm. We had to take care to ensure we measured our lines carefully, ensuring we lined up our rulers accurately.

In RE, we took time to explore the first part the Easter story, Palm Sunday. We learnt how Jesus travelled to Jerusalem on a donkey and the significance of people laying their clothes and palm leaves and his feet. After, we investigated how Christians from around the world celebrate Palm Sunday.

In Geography, we used our atlases to identify various countries within Europe on a map as well as the surrounding seas. We loved using our index and contents pages to find key country names provided us with extra information.


-Weekly spellings are set every Friday and tested in school the following Thursday.

-Please ensure your child is reading daily at home. Should your child be struggling to find a book at home they wish to read, they can borrow a book from the school library.