Year 3 - Spring 2 - Week 4

Date: 18th Mar 2022 @ 12:37pm


!3 Red nose.PNG

Another busy week here in Year 3!

We ended our week on a high celebrating Red Nose Day with the wonderful Year 4 class. When we arrived in school, the hall had been set up with a range of exciting, engaging and RED activities. In the afternoon, we marked British Science Week with an exciting experiment all about volcanoes and how when they react, the lava bubbles and grows, spilling out of the top of the volcano.

In Maths, we finished our topic on measurement, focusing this week on perimeter. The children had to measure various shapes before working out the perimeter by adding them together using column addition. Next week, we will be focusing on fractions starting the week connecting our learning back to Year 2 and recognising halves, quarters and thirds.

In English, we continued with our non-fiction story ‘The Big Blue Whale’. We focused on using our knowledge of fronted adverbials and paragraphs to draft information in preparation for our leaflets. Next week, we will start drafting our final fact files and leaflets ready for our author books in the final week.

In Geography, we used our atlases and google maps to identify different countries within in Europe focusing on important features for the various countries such as, currency, royal family’s and languages spoken.

In Art, we looked at plant art, developing our drawing and painting skills with a special focus on trees. Afterwards, we selected a flower, sketching, colouring and painting them to add details and depth to make them look 3D.



  • PE days are still on a Wednesday and a Thursday
  • Year 3 will be hosting the Easter Service, in Holy Trinity Church on Thursday 31st Please can children, who have lines, practice these at home.
  • Please continue to bring in recyclable materials for our mural as part of Earth Day