Year 3 - Spring 2 - Week 4

Date: 16th Mar 2024 @ 11:02am


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Another busy week here in Year 3!

We marked British Science Week by learning all about the wonders of biodegradable plastic. Did you know that every plastic bag you have ever seen still exists? This is because plastic takes many years to decompose; this causes pollution in the sea and on land. We had a fantastic time making environmentally friendly plastic from simple household ingredients.

In Maths, we have been getting to grips with bar charts. We began by interpreting bar charts and making links to their knowledge of pictograms. Although we have come across block diagrams in Year 2, it is the first time that we have used bar charts, so we took extra care to ensure we understood the scales.

We continued with our non-fiction story ‘The Big Blue Whale’ in English. We used our knowledge of fronted adverbials and paragraphs to draft information in preparation for our leaflets. Next week, we will start drafting our final fact files and leaflets ready for our author books in the final week.

In Guided Reading, we continued reading ‘The Morning I Met a Whale’ we were shocked to learn the negative effects humans have on the ocean. We discussed what we already know about why whales are endangered. and why would anyone hunt a whale? We also clarified some new vocabulary we read in the text: blubber, baleen plates, harpoon and fleet.

We continue to work hard for our upcoming Easter service. The children have been learning their lines and their singing sounds fantastic.

Have a wonderful and restful weekend Year 3!