Year 3 - Spring 2 -Week 5

Date: 24th Mar 2022 @ 7:47pm

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We have been loving the weather this week in Year 3 and this has been reflected in our work!

On Monday, we celebrated ‘World Poetry Day’ by exploring a range of poems and creating our very own. We took inspiration from the important women around us, writing caring and detailed poems about the women in our life such as mums, nans, aunties and even Miss Jones! Later in the week, we began to prep our next piece of work for our Author Books, we concentrated on using high-level literacy features including adverbs and prepositions, in our non-fiction writing surrounding our book ‘The Big Blue Whale’. We are super excited to put pen to paper next week and can’t wait to see how our leaflets turn out.

In RE, we took time to unpick the final part of the Easter story, focusing on the importance of Good Friday and Easter Sunday. We discussed how the different days made us feel and how the events can bring both joy and sadness to Christians around the world. After, we took time to complete our self-assessment grids for the topic, reflecting on how the Easter story conveys a range of emotions.

In Maths, we continued with our topic on fractions specifically focusing on unit and non-unit fractions. We looked in detail at a range of fractions including halves, quarters, and thirds. Next week, we will start to connect our learning back to September, to help us add and subtract a range of fractions.

In Geography, we took our learning outside into the sunshine and used our laptops and atlases to investigate and compare different European countries to the UK. It was certainly a fantastic way to finish our topic.


-Final Parent-Teacher Meetings will be on Wednesday 30th March, please check your email for exact timings.

- Year 3 will be hosting the Easter service at Holy Trinity Church at 10 am.

-Please continue to bring in recyclable materials for our mural as part of Earth Day.