Year 3 - Spring 2 - Week 5

Date: 23rd Mar 2024 @ 12:38pm


Year 3 - Week 5 - Spring 2.jpg


Another busy week in Year 3!

 In Maths, we started looking at fractions. We reminded ourselves how to work out the numerator and denominator and the difference between a unit fraction and a non-unit fraction.

In English, we continue to work on our 'big write' using the key features of an information leaflet. We have thoroughly enjoyed reading ‘The Big Blue Whale’ this term and are looking forward to finding out what book we will be reading next term.

In RE, we retold the Easter story and created a flow map to sequence the events. We also learnt about the different symbols of Easter and what they represent. We enjoyed researching how countries around the world celebrate Easter. We were intrigued and loved learning about Ramadan, and how Muslims won't eat or drink during the hours of daylight. This is called fasting. Ramadan remembers the month the Qur'an (the Muslim holy book) was first revealed to the Prophet Muhammad.

We took our Geography lesson outside this week as we learnt what a delta is. The children created a HUGE river of facts about the Nile, the delta and life in Alexandria. Well done Year 3!

To end the week we went on an 'eggciting' Easter Egg hunt! On the sound of the horn, we raced around finding tokens around the school to exchange for an Easter treat. We had a cracking time!


Thursday 28th March: Easter Service led by Y3 @ St Peter's Church 9.20 am.