Year 3 - Summer 1 - Week 1

Date: 20th Apr 2022 @ 9:58pm

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What a short but sweet week we have had here in Year 3!

On Friday, we marked and celebrated World Earth Day by teaming up with Year 4 and National Trust Formby, to create a huge mural made completely out of recycled materials. It was incredibly challenging and required us to think creatively to use the resources affectively to make our grand design.

In English, we started our new non-fiction text ‘Journey’ by the wonderful Aaron Becker. Prior to investigating the front cover, we used our dictionaries and laptops to unpick our new STAR vocabulary that would appear in the story along the way. The following lesson, we explored the front cover, making predictions about the story and what we thought would occur throughout we were therefore shocked to learn that this book, has NO words! We cannot wait to see what will happen next.

In Maths, we continued with our topic on Fractions, further developing our understanding of unit fractions before moving onto non-unit fractions. We loved playing various fraction games to get our brains thinking. Next week we will finish off our topic on fractions whilst exploring adding and subtracting fractions.

In RE, we started our new topic on ‘Rules’ discussing the importance of rules and various rules we follow in our lives both inside and outside school. Putting our heads together, we were amazed how many places have rules even parks! This allowed us to discuss if rules should ever be broken, we all agreed that rules could be broken if keeping them might hurt or upset us or someone else, however we know that they are there to keep us safe.

We completed our timelines in History this week, identify where Prehistoric Britain fell on our timeline in comparison to other periods we have studied within school. This allowed us to complete our circle maps, adding information we knew about Prehistoric Britain before we even started.  

Magnets is our focus in science, and we started our new topic with a bang! Through a range of practical activates we were able to understand what not only what magnets are used for but also that not all metals are magnetic and that they have to be made from a specific material.

In Art we started our new topic on ‘Egyptian Jewellery’ creating and designing our own jewellery based on a range of artefacts found during the Egyptian period. We had some incredible creations which in the near future, we might bring to life.

Love Reading have chosen their 'top book picks' for April and May. More, highly-rated children's reads, from a variety of authors for different age ranges, are shared with us all to enjoy.


  • PE will continue to be on Wednesdays and Fridays for the rest of the half term, Swimming will commence in May and letter will be sent in due course.
  • Some children will be taking part in a friendly football match next Tuesday, please ensure that they bring their PE kits in their bags.