Year 3 - Summer 1 - Week 3

Date: 3rd May 2022 @ 1:12pm


Another week in Year 3, and what a fantastic week it has been.

In English, we have been focusing on developing our setting descriptions, writing not only one but two different setting descriptions from our story ‘Journey’. We carefully studied the pages of the wordless book, using expanded noun phrases for the various objects we can see and upleveling them with verbs and prepositions to add more detail. This descriptive writing really allowed us to dive into this exciting new world.

In Maths, we entered our final week of Fractions, developing our understanding of equivalent fractions as well as adding and subtracting fractions and the rules surrounding this concept. Fractions has proved to be one of our trickier topics but we have persevered on this learning journey and feel that we have come out the other side. Next week we will spend some time covering any misconceptions that have arisen before moving onto the topic of ‘Time’, by first revisiting o’clock and half past before moving onto telling time to five minutes.

This week also saw the end of our double music lessons, where we finally bid farewell to the wonderful Mr Fogg, who not only provided us with fun, exciting and vibrant drumming lessons, but supported us prior to the Easter holidays with learning our songs for the Easter service. Recorders will be back on Monday, and we cannot wait to learn ‘Baby Shark’ on the recorder, watch out parents, you’re in for a treat!

We have been loving our PE topic, Yoga, and have been using our sessions to slowly control our breathing, stretching our muscles and allowing ourselves to move in a calm and relaxing way. That being said, we cannot wait for next week, when we start our swimming lessons!

In RE we looked at the story ‘The Good Samaritan’ unpicking Jesus’ message. We loved how the story showed the message of love, and how we should always, where possible, show love to everyone regardless of their differences, instead choosing to celebrate ours and everyone else‘s uniqueness.

Star Carr was at the forefront of our History lesson this week. Focusing specifically on the Stone Age Period of Prehistoric Britain, we were shocked to learn that this era, stretching over 2 million years, can be further broken down into three parts. As well as that we learnt how during this period our ancestors created and used tools and animals’ bones to camouflage themselves whilst hunting!


  • Swimming lessons will commence next Wednesday 11th May. Please ensure the children come to school ‘beach ready’ to ensure a smooth transition into the pool. This means they need to wear their swimming trunks or costumes underneath their PE kit. 
  • PE days will therefore change, and children are asked to come to school in their PE kits on Wednesdays and Fridays.
  • Recorders need to be brought to school each Monday for your child’s recorder lessons, please ensure recorders are clearly labelled.