Year 3 - Summer 1 - Week 6

Date: 25th May 2022 @ 11:50am


Where has that final week of term gone? Well done Year 3 for a superb half term.

Year 3 started their week with an important task, selecting our representatives for the TSP Pupil Voice Groups. We began by writing and listening to our peers’ speeches in class, in which they stated why we should vote for them, before casting our votes at the TSP Polling Station, using our very own Polling cards. A huge congratulations to all children, but especially to nominated representatives who will be Year 3 voice in all meetings, sharing our opinions and beliefs.

On Monday, we added another incredible piece of writing to our Author Books, our version of the story ‘Journey’ by Aaron Becker. We loved adding our own words to this wordless book, whilst creating our own illustrations.

In Maths, we continued to recap, connecting our prior knowledge from Year 2 with our new fractions’ knowledge. This allowed us to see how mathematical concepts are linked and how we can use previous work to solve more complex problems.

For our Computing Day this term, we used the Book Creator App and the Google Search Engine, to become ‘Online Detectives’.  After designing our own front covers, we completed a series of tasks using the internet whilst also using our prior knowledge to add audio, images and links to pack our digital books full of information.

We ended our week in the best way possible, with laughter, love and celebrations. To mark the Queen’s Jubilee, we partook in a bit of ‘afternoon tea’, which is apparently the Queen’s favourite past time! We loved having our very own cup of tea (decaf of course) and a large slice of Victoria Sponge whilst we learnt all about the Queen’s incredible life. This was not the only event of the day as we took part in the TSP’s Got Talent Show. Following a morning of performances, the two winning acts from Year 3 were put through to the final, against acts from across the school. Well done to everyone who auditioned and our finalists, you are all truly incredible. 

Love Reading have issued their Mid-May Newsletter; please see many more top-read recommendations you may wish to explore with your child/ren. Happy reading!


-School commences on Monday 6th June.

-Recorders remain on Mondays after half term.

- Spellings have been set for the half term and will be assessed the first week back. In addition, please make use of the virtual classroom which attached to this blog, if you wish to complete any activities over half term. 

-PE lessons will continue to take place every Wednesday (swimming) and Friday after half term. 

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