Year 3 - Week 1 - Summer 1

Date: 21st Apr 2024 @ 12:03pm


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What a wonderful and busy first week back. It was lovely to see all the children back in and happy to see their friends and teachers.

In Maths, we have been exploring the denominators of unit fractions. From Year 2, the children know about halves, quarters and thirds and are now looking at fractions with other denominators. Children understand that a fraction can be seen as part of a whole and that to find a unit fraction, they divide the whole into equal parts. They then were able to identify the role of the denominator, appreciating that this shows how many equal parts the whole has been divided into. This step explores unit fractions only, with the focus being on the denominator.

‘Journey’ by Aaron Becker is our new English writing book this term. The children were shocked to learn that it is a wordless picture book and they will be creating the story together by looking at the illustrations. To begin the children made predictions about what the story could be about using the cover and the blurb. We were introduced to the protagonist and studied the first two pages, focusing closely on how the author depicted her. We used our thesauruses to find synonyms of sad.

Our History and Art topics align with this term as we focus on the Ancient Egyptians. In History, we used our circle map to first write down anything we already knew about the Egyptians. We worked together to find where the Ancient Egyptians are placed on our class History timeline, and we discovered that the Ancient Egyptian timeline runs parallel to the British Stone Age through to the Iron Age. We moved on to exploring the characteristic features of Ancient Egypt, recognising, and comparing these features to modern day. We look forward to continuing our Egyptian journey and delving further into one of the most colourful ancient civilizations next week.

In Science, we became true ‘Rock stars’ as we started our new topic ‘Rocks and Soils’ this term. We had a fantastic time making systematic and careful observations using magnifying glasses. From our observations, we could compare and group different kinds of rocks based on their appearance and simple physical properties.  

With 2.6 miles to compete over the week, we took to the field each day to complete 13 laps in support of the London Mini Marathon. We showed true resilience and determination as we motivated one another to cross the finish line.  

If you would like to complete extra Maths practice at home, please use this link to access free workbooks covering topics from our Maths learning this year:

Super work this week Year 3! Enjoy your weekend and we look forward to welcoming you all back on Monday 😊