Year 4 - Autumn 1 - Week 7

Date: 18th Oct 2023 @ 9:52am


They say time flies when you are having fun and hasn’t it done just that!

To reflect on our RE focus this term, we outlined the main roles and responsibilities we have discovered David held from reading about him in Psalms and Bible Stories. He sure was a busy man! In Collective Worship, we took a look back at all we had achieved during the term and discussed what enabled us to reach those milestones and continue to do our very best. We explained how the things and people who support us in life are the most powerful assets we can have and those we are truly thankful for.

In English, we recapped our understanding of speech from last week, ensuring we understood the rules of creating a speech sentence and the punctuation needed. We then began to plan our very own Gorilla stories, replacing the characters, setting and plot with our very own, imaginative ideas. Consideration was made in our plans as to which fronted adverbials, speech sentences and adjectives we would use in our stories. As the week progressed, we began to write our stories in broken down steps and we look forward to finishing this next week before writing our stories in our Author Books.

Connecting our understanding surrounding Martin Luther King, we concluded the week with a recognition to Hate Crime Awareness Week by symbolising with handprints how we are all equal, no matter the colour of our skin. We also had a great Junior Tax Facts session, led by the HMRC. We were intrigued to discover what services our taxes pay for in the UK and what happens when we buy our favourite sweet treats at the till.

Our Spanish lesson was a spooky delight, as we entered the Language Angels escape room and tried to free ourselves from the haunted house by learning and recalling Spanish words and phrases. Thrills filled the air as children began to discover keys and learn new Spanish words for the spooky festive period. The spooky celebrations continued on Thursday night, as we danced the night away at our Monster Mash Disco and some of us even wore some rather spooky attire!

A huge congratulations to our fantastic readers how completed the Summer Reading Challenge. Your dedication to reading is admirable and we are so thrilled to see such a passion for reading in our class!

A reminder that spellings for the first Thursday back after half-term are on Google Classroom. The Year 4 ‘virtual classroom’ is attached to this blog and all the pupils' individual login passwords can all be found on Google Classroom.

Year 4, you have been a delight to teacher this term and it already feels like we have spent a lifetime together. Have a wonderful week and we look forward to hearing all your exciting news when you return!



  • Year 4 PE lessons will remain on a Tuesday (PE) and Wednesday (Swimming)
  • Recorders will continue every Monday. Children should continue to bring their recorder to school for their lesson.

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