Year 4 - Autumn 2 - Week 2

Date: 7th Nov 2022 @ 3:53pm

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What a wonderful week we have had in Year 4!

We connected our Collective Worship value of Peace with Remembrance Day this week, as we created a WW1 newspaper article background and lay a mosaic poppy to rest on our created backgrounds. We then discussed how the poppy is a sign of both remembrance and hope for a peaceful future. It was an honour to join Year 5 at the Memorial Cross at St. Peter’s Church to observe two minute’s silence and lay the wreaths created by the classes at TSP.

In English, we have been focusing on ensuring we are using the correct tense in our writing and selecting whether it is best to use ‘was’ or ‘were’ in a range of sentences. Using a thesaurus, we located synonyms to uplevel our writing and focused again on the importance of precise detail to give the reader a detailed picture of the environment and characters we are writing about. We thoroughly enjoyed illustrating the high street outlined in our text ‘The shop from nowhere’, only able to draw what was heard in the given descriptions. Inspired by this text, when then designed our own, writing a descriptive piece to detail the shops that made up our high streets. Next week, we will be focusing on using an adjective and an adverb to describe the appearance of movement of different acts in the circus.

With the understanding that we can calculate area by counting the squares inside a shape, we took to drawing our own shapes this week. With a coloured pencil in hand, we carefully coloured the desired numbers of squares to form a shape with a given area. We later moved onto comparing the areas of shapes before designing our very own Area Robots. We loved asking our friends to calculate the area of different parts of our robot’s body. Next week, we will be focusing on the 6, 8 and 9 times tables and learning so catchy songs to help with our recall of multiplication facts.  

Using some real life teeth moulds, we identified the names and functions of teeth in Science and even showcased our missing teeth along the way! In PE, we completed different exercises as part of our circuit training session. With the music loud and our bodies raring to go, we took to the challenge of holding our exercises for as long as we could to really challenge and strengthen our muscles. We noticed the effects exercise had on our bodies and recorded our findings. In History, we created a conscious alley, to give our opinions on why Claudius should invade Britain and used our knowledge of feminine and masculine spelling in Spanish to distinguish sentences.

Love Reading for Kids have released their early November newsletter. This includes a first look at their Christmas Books and Gift Guide which is full of great ideas for all readers. Books really do make the best presents so please do take a look!

Have a lovely weekend, Year 4!


  • Year 4’s last swimming lesson is Wednesday 16th November. Following this, PE lessons will remain on Tuesday and Wednesday. Children should continue to come to school in their PE kit on Tuesday and Wednesday.
  • Donations to Barnardos Children’s Charity, as part of our Kindness Project, should be in school by Wednesday 16th November.