Year 4 - Spring 1 - Week 3

Date: 17th Jan 2023 @ 11:10am


This week has been a chilly one, but nevertheless, we have had a burning desire to learn new facts and to our best in all we do this week.

Through mindfulness, we reflected on our Collective Worship value of Humility, by thinking about how we may have shown this value in the classroom or on the playground. We discussed how some children find this a difficult value but as a class, we recognised the importance of being humble. Using our school value of Nurture, we discussed how an outward display of humility can make others feel.

In RE, we identified clues in artwork which suggest that Jesus has authority over the others illustrations that can be seen in the artwork. We were quick to realise that Jesus is stood above or in front of the others in the illustrations, is painted in white and often has a graceful, angelic and powerful pose.  

Later in the week, it was time to compare our lives with the life of a Roman child. We focused on the activities, games and jobs Roman children carried out and found similarities and differences to our lives. Using fronted adverbials, we created a diary explaining what Tranio, the Roman child in our story, did at different points of the day. Using speech, we also explored the conversations that Tranio and Livia, the two characters in our story, may be having at different points. We ensured our speech sentences used inverted commas, had the correct punctuation and always noted who the speaker was. We are beginning to write a new speaker on a new line and will continue to implement this rule into our writing next week.

To support our multiplication calculations when multiplying two and three digit numbers by 1, we have learnt how to use the grid method and column multiplication method. We have completed lots of fluency questions to become confident in using these methods and at the end of the week, selected the method we felt most confident in using to support us in completing problem solving questions.

A huge thank you to our Reading Ambassadors for sharing our brand-new Inclusion and Diversity books to read in class. We loved exploring the books this week and selecting our favourite to become our whole class read. To support our understanding of Volcanoes, we have also been reading an information book packed full of interesting facts about earthquakes, tectonic plates and the layers of the Earth. Our writing in English in bursting with technical vocabulary to describe volcanoes, as we have transferred vocabulary and facts learnt in our Guided Reading lessons, to our English lessons.

We carried out an investigation in Science to discover how sound travels through different mediums, make predictions, and draw conclusions on which state sound travels best through. After drawing a diagram to show the particle make up and identifying the state of matter being investigated, we hit metal spoons together in the air, under water and against a solid to find which medium the sound travelled best through.

What a lovely week we have had, Year 4! We look forward to seeing you all on Monday.



  • Parent-Teacher Meetings will take place in the School Hall. Please arrive early in order to have time before your appointment to take a look at your child’s books.
  • Children should return their Reading books to school weekly, on their reading day.
  • Spellings continue to be posted on Google Classroom every Friday at 3pm and tested the following Thursday in class.