Year 4 - Spring 1 - Week 5

Date: 2nd Feb 2022 @ 9:45pm


Yet another tremendous week. Well done, Year 4!

This week in RE, we identified how authority is symbolised in a range of different religions. We specifically focused on the Torah and discovered how it contains many laws that guide Jews on how to live a life that pleases God. We also connected our learning with our Collective Worship value of Wisdom, discussing how the Torah is the main source of wisdom to help Jews improve their relationship with God and to live good lives. We also revealed our new monthly value of Joy and described the things in our lives that allow us to showcase this value.

We grasped how to use the Bus Stop method in Maths, to provide us with a quick and efficient method for working out division with larger numbers. In this method, we placed the number to be divided under a bracket (or bus stop) to separate it from the number to be divided by. To fully understand this method, we ensured we connected our learning with our known Multiplication facts to calculate how many times a number goes into another number e.g. how many 8’s in 40. We know this method will come in useful when dividing 3 digit numbers and when solving word problems. 

After unpicking the story ‘Escape from Pompeii’, this week, it was time to plan and write our own versions of the story. On Monday, we began by recalling the original story, splitting it into 5 parts; the opening, build up, problem, resolution and ending. We were great at retrieving key vocabulary and historical language from the text, that we could use in our own writing. Following this, we planned our story using the first person point of view, writing as if we were Tranio, the main character in the story. The rest of the week, we broke down our writing into 3 lessons to ensure we focused on making each paragraph as detailed and accurately punctuated as we could.

To celebrate Chinese New Year, we created dragon puppets to dance around the classroom. We took great joy in discovering our Zodiac Sign and discovering the attributes of those who are born in the year of the tiger. We are on the lookout for confident, competitive, brave and strong-minded tigers here at TSP. In recognition of National Storytelling week, alongside supporting Climate Coalition Month, we joined a Zoom with the fantastic author Dan Freedman. Dan is best known for his hugely popular series of Jamie Johnson football novels and inspired us with his insight into his inspirations for writing.  

On Friday, we recognised Her Majesty The Queen who will become the first British Monarch to celebrate a Platinum Jubilee, marking 70 years of service to the people of the United Kingdom, the Realms and the Commonwealth. Taking inspiration from the Royals, we learnt how to bow, courtesy, wave just like the queen and even dance as if we were in the Palace’s ballroom!

Continuing our focus surrounding volcanoes in Geography, we learnt all about the 3 different types of volcanoes and how we can identify them based on their physical features. With this knowledge in mind, we then created our own illustration of a volcano, adding colour using oil pastels to symbolise the volcanic eruption taking place. Our favourite lesson this week has to be Science! We fully enjoyed creating Kazoos to investigate how changing the size of a straw can change its pitch. Not to forget the fun we had completing a Kahoot Quiz!

We look forward to seeing you next week for our final week of term, Year 4. Let's make it the best week yet!


-Y4, Y5 & Y6 Team TSP Spring Disco Wednesday 9th February 4.45pm - 6pm.

-PE Days next term will stay the same. Children should arrive to school dressed in their PE kit every Tuesday and Thursday.