Year 4 - Spring 2 - Week 2

Date: 27th Feb 2024 @ 10:22pm


Reflecting back to the moments of betrayal and trust we identified in popular children’s films last week, we connected our understanding to help us identify when trust and betrayal were apparent in the Easter story. We recognised that Jesus trusted his disciples and they trusted him, yet he was betrayed to the Roman authorities by one of his disciples, Judas.

After reflecting on the daily chores the villagers undertake in the film Moana, we began to write diary entries to document their daily lives. We ensured each paragraph started with a fronted adverbial to indicate the time of day being referred to and structure our writing. We looked back at some of the STAR Vocab we learnt last week and set ourselves a challenge to incorporate our newly learnt words into our writing. Later in the week, our focus switched to writing speech and recalling the rules associated with using inverted comma’s. Next week, we will be working hard to ensure that when we are writing speech, we use a new line when a new character begins to speak.

In Maths, we have been converting improper fractions to whole numbers and identifying equivalent fractions. We made the connection that in order for a fraction to be equivalent, we multiply the numerator and denominator of the original fraction by the same amount. This has ensured we have not only been learning about fractions this week, but also recalling lots of our times tables. Next week, we will be converting improper fractions into Mixed numbers.

We are continuing to thoroughly enjoy our singing lessons with Liverpool Cathedral and preparation is well underway to show off our vocals when we perform to our loved ones next month to showcase the incredible songs we have been learning.

In Science, we constructed a simple series electrical circuit, to build a traffic light. After creating a 3D box, we fitted 3 light builds with a coloured film over the top before creating 3 circuits containing their own battery and switch to light the bulbs and display the coloured traffic lights. Our Football skills continue to develop in PE, as we pinpoint the three main coaching points to accurately dribble a ball and the inside and outside hook technique we can use to help us change direction and dodge a defender.

With our school value of Hope in mind, we continue to be determined to achieve and give our best efforts to beat out Multiplication Check score each and every morning.

What a busy week, Year 4! Have a restful weekend and we look forward to seeing you all on Monday.