Year 4 - Spring 2 - Week 3

Date: 6th Mar 2023 @ 9:22pm

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A week full of determination to achieve and a positive outlook towards all of our learning tasks this week… even if we did have a test or two to complete.

This week, the children have worked incredibly hard to complete assessments to showcase their learning so far this year. Our school value of Hope was certainly achieved by all, as they tried their best and were determined to complete their assessments to the best of their ability.

Reflecting back to the moments of betrayal and trust we identified in popular children’s films last week, we connected our understanding to help us identify when trust and betrayal were apparent in the Easter story. We recognised that Jesus trusted his disciples and they trusted him, yet he was betrayed to the Roman authorities by one of his disciples, Judas.

In Collective Worship, we discussed how sometimes people do and say things that hurt us and how it can be difficult when someone has hurt us to forgive. Using the analogy of a fizzing vitamin tablet, we dropped a tablet into a bottle of water. As it fizzed away, we let the hurt feelings go and imagined forgiving the person as the hurt disappeared. We then reflected on how it feels to forgive others and the relief it brings to our hearts and mind.

Thinking about how we represent a new speaker when writing speech, we created a conversation between the villagers in our story ‘When the giant stirred’, reinforcing our knowledge of how to write speech and also adding the addition of a new line for a new speaker. Next week, we will look at how we can incorporate expanded noun phrases and front adverbials into our writing, alongside speech sentences.

Our Maths lessons have helped us to understand how to add and subtract fractions when the denominator is the same and how convert a improper fraction into a mixed number. Next week, we will start to explore decimals and what fraction and decimal amount are equivalent.

In recognition of International Women’s Day, we delved into books from the Little People, Big Dreams Series to find shared characteristics of inspiring women in history, politics, music, arts, design, science, and sports. Characteristics we identified included bravery, ambition and empowerment.

In our latest session with the LFC Foundation, we took are campaigns in support of endangered animals to the next level by creating campaign t-shirts to wear to enable us to spread to word regarding the importance of caring for our planet and the habitats of animals in our environment. We can’t wait to visit our local National Trust site next week to see some of the animals in our local area and provide the National Trust with our catchy anti-litter slogans to put around the site.

We hope that you make the most of your weekend, Year 4 and we look forward to seeing you again on Monday!