Year 4 - Spring 2 - Week 5

Date: 21st Mar 2023 @ 10:03am

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As the half term draws closer, let us take a look at some of this week’s highlights…

Coming to the end of our RE topic, we summarised the key Christian values of trust and forgiveness making the connection that Christians believe that they can trust Jesus. We recalled the events of Holy Week and Easter, before remembering incidents of betrayal in the Easter story, through the actions of Judas and in movies we like to watch. To further reflect on our Collective Worship value of Forgiveness, we looked closely at the symbol of the cross and discussed how it reminds Christians that God wants to forgive the wrong things that people do so that they can live in peace and friendship with Him and with others.

It was time to start our story writing in English, to create our own versions of our focus text ‘When the Giant Stirred’. We began by planning the opening, build up, problem, resolution and ending to our stories and noting any dialogue we would expect our characters to have in each part of our story. We ensured we thought about the possible fronted adverbials we could use to help set the scene or time of day events were taking place and how we could use a range of nouns to make our writing more exciting to read. Each day, we ensured we wrote a chunk of our story to form a paragraph so our stories went on a slow and steady, yet detailed journey, from start to end.

This week in Maths, we have explored how to find fractions of given quantities or amounts using bar models to help us understand how many parts the number is split into and what amount is within each part. We then identified tenths on a place value chart and began to understand tenths as a decimal and fraction, noting the jump on the place value chart when we divide a one-digit number by 10 or 100.

We continue to shine in Mrs McArdle’s clarinet lessons! We now understand how to construct our clarinets and are building speed in doing so, the sounds we are producing are becoming more of a perfected tone and we are even incorporating a range of notes by moving our finger position on the instrument. Our History lessons have also been packed full of evidence huting, as we focused on the push and pull factors that show reasoning for Saxon settlement and we uncovered the mystery of the empty grave in Sutton Hoo. This week we delved deeper into the story of how Christianity to Britain and it took about 70 years for English kings to give up pagan ways and become Christian.

A popular board game made an appearance in our PE lesson, as we used our OAA skills to solve a TSP Cluedo game. After discovering the suspect teachers, weapons that could have been used and the place where the crime may have taken place, we set off around our school grounds to find evidence of who or what could be crossed off the suspect list. Mr Brindley continues to put us through our paces on a Thursday and is extremely impressed with our developments in our knowledge and understanding of key skills and fitness components.

Before we take on the last week, Year 4, have a wonderful weekend!