Year 4 - Summer 1- Week 1

Date: 16th Apr 2024 @ 11:34am

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What a fantastic first week back we have had! It was so lovely to see all the children back and enjoying spending time with their friends, excited to hear all about the new things we will be learning this term.  

This term, our focus turns to looking at different churches in RE and considering if all churches are the same. Through research, we discovered this week that not all church buildings look the same from the outside but some have similar features according to denomination. We also used religious vocabulary to names features of a church we already knew from visiting St Peter’s and Holy Trinity Church.

We have continued to develop our knowledge of decimals in Maths. We now understand that when dividing, numbers can be shifted into the tenths and hundredths and we must show this by using a zero and decimal place before the number. We also recognised how to make a whole using tenths and hundreds. Next week, we will identify the fractions for a half, quarter and three quarters, we identified the correlating decimal and rounded decimals to the nearest whole.

Our new focus book ‘Where the Forest Meets the Sea’ by Jeannie Baker connects to our Geography and Art topics this term and is full of beautiful illustrates to showcase the wonders of a rainforest. We have explored the sounds associated with a rainforest and used descriptive language to outline what our senses could see and hear. Later, we took sentences from the book and changed the pronouns to ensure there was a varying range of pronouns used. Next week, we will be creating our own glossary of words in the book to unpick STAR vocabulary and consider the use of tense when describing the rainforest tin the past, present and future.

The classroom filled with excitement and determination to achieve a BINGO this week, as we explored a range of books from our reading corner in order to find different criteria on our bingo cards and to discover an interesting read to start the term.

In Geography, we focused on identifying the location of rainforests on a world map. We first identified the line of the equator and learnt that the Tropic of Cancer and Capricorn are located above and below the equator line and it is within this zone that the rainforests are located. Our Science topic surrounding living things started with the use of classification charts, as we classified living things by considering which of the statements we could agree were associated with each plant or animal.

Using the artist Henri Rousseau as inspiration, we explored his famous painting ‘Tiger in a tropical storm’ and discussed the techniques used in the image. With our sights set on making the animals in the forest scene ‘pop’, we made our colour choices and began making the parrots drawn in our forest scenes stand out amongst the over growth. In PE, we began to take on the sport of Baseball, learning what the game entails and the names of the bases, key players and batting style we need to use.

With 13 laps to complete over the course of the week, we took to the field each day to complete laps in support of the London Mini Marathon. Whether we chose to run, walk, skip and jog, we ensured we motivated each other to cross the line and never give up.

If you would like to complete extra Maths practise at home, please use this link to access free workbooks covering topics from our Maths learning this year: 

It has been so lovely to have you back, Year 4! Have a restful weekend.