Year 4 - Summer 1 - Week 4

Date: 10th May 2023 @ 2:35pm

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We may have only been together for 4 days this week but boy have we had fun!

Continuing to think about our Collective Worship value of Courage, we thought about the courageous steps we can take towards overcoming our fears. We designed our very own church notice board in RE, displaying vital information about community activities, church events and worship times. We ensured that throughout our church notice board, Christians values were promoted and encouraged.

Excitement filled the classroom as our preparations and research projects for Chester Zoo got underway. After analysing virtual information boards around the zoo, we created our own information board bursting with factual information about the rainforest and the wildlife that might be found inside it. We selected our own catchy headings, pictures, 3 second summary and sub-headings to support the factual information we recorder to share with the reader. We recognised the importance of making the information board engaging to read and discussed how the use of questions, alliteration and both headings and sub-headings can contribute towards this.

We have recalled lots of facts about time this week, thinking about how many days are in each month of the year, the number of months in a year and also the conversion between seconds, minutes and hours. Later in the week, we considered why the numbers 13-23 are used on a clock and recognised that this meant the clock was in a 24 hour format. Next week, we will be converting times from their 24 hour format and considering the different ways we can represent times in the AM and PM.

In Science, we learnt about the water cycle and the process of evaporation, condensation and precipitation. We enjoyed representing the water cycle using sandwich bags and sticking them to the classroom window so we can observe the process over time and see how the water progresses around our cycles. To showcase the wildlife in the rainforest, we took inspiration from Henry Rousseau to create a water coloured backdrop to place our stencilled silhouette animals onto. Continuing with our focus on rainforests, we learnt all about the tribes who called the Amazon their home and compared their way of living to that in our modern society.

Taking all of our learning surrounding rainforests in to consideration, next week, we will be writing a letter to express our concerns regarding deforestation in rainforests and the knock-on effects deforestation has on wildlife, people and communities.  

Have a wonderful weekend, Year 4. See you Monday!



  • Class Photographs – Wednesday 17th May.
  • Chester Zoo Trip on Friday 19th May. Children need to bring a packed lunch and water bottle with them.
  • Mufti-Day – Friday 19th May.