Year 4 - Summer 2 - Week 1

Date: 6th Jun 2023 @ 9:53am


The final term is upon us and we are delighted to be spending lots of opportunities learning and having fun in the sunshine.

With a focus on shape and space, it was time to recap our understanding of angles and how we can determine whether an angle is acute, obtuse or a right angle, focusing on 90 degrees as our guide point. With the help of Pac-Man and his right-angled mouth, we found the types of angles in the letters of our names and identified that a full 360-degree turn can be split into four lots of 90 degrees. Our attention then turned to comparing the sizes of angles, before identifying the different types of triangles. Next week, we will identify the names of quadrilaterals and make different 2D and 3D shapes using art straws to determine their properties.

Moving on from stories surrounding the wonders of volcanoes, we now delve into the depth of caves and caverns with inspiration from the wonderful book titled ‘Blue John’. The story sees us venturing down into the caves where the Queen of Darkness lives and we follow the adventures of her rare and precious baby, Blue John, who has been created using the blue of a glacier and the gold of the sun. Using the text, we discussed what stalactites are and used similes to describe how they grow. We used aspects of the text to correct the use of past tense and used commands to write a set of instructions.

We observed and investigated bubbles in Science, exploring whether all bubbles rise and if bubbles can change colour or shape. In Art, we remembered that the heaviness or lightness of the shading we use can change with the pressure of our pencil and/or making the lines and dots closer together or further apart. In PE, it was time to start preparing for our up and coming Sports Day by completing some speed running races to increase our pace and carrying out different obstacle courses to enhance our speed and agility.

Our History lessons this term all stem around our perspectives of the Vikings and the stereotypes we hold. We generated a range of adjectives and nouns used to describe Vikings and reinforce the chronology of the times of the first Viking raid using a timeline of events. In the role of Saxon spies, we draw from memory, a Viking ship and then posed questions to analyse its features. Next week, we will examine why Vikings have such a bad reputation.

A huge thank you to the incredible Simon Hunt who joined us this week to share the delights of his book which is titled'Delilah Rose: the Bogey Princess' and some wonderful and inspiring poetry. 

An excellent week and we hope that the sun continues to shine long into the weekend. Enjoy and see you on Monday!



  • Due to the sunny weather, please ensure children bring a water bottle, hat and suncream to school.
  • PE days continue every Tuesday and Friday.