Year 4 - Summer 2 - Week 3

Date: 20th Jun 2023 @ 10:21am


This week has flown by! It must be all the excitement leading up to our fantastic Summer term events.

In our RE lesson this week, we unpicked the Lord’s Prayer to comprehend the meaning behind the prayer and the terminology used. We identified that the Lord’s Prayer is a Christian prayer which Jesus taught his disciples to say. The prayer begins by making it clear who people are praying too because Christians believe that God is the Father of everyone.

Our focus in Maths this week was symmetry. With the knowledge that a line of symmetry is a line that cuts a shape exactly in half. This means that if you were to fold the shape along the line, both halves would match exactly. We then moved onto finding symmetry with coloured squares and completing half of a given image. Next week, we will focus on interpreting graphs and reading statistical information.

We have continued to be inspired by the story ‘Blue John’ when writing and have loved delving into the four chapters we have read so far. We considered what we might see and hear if we were the child dancing in the cavern with Blue John and incorporated the use of similes to describe what our senses would experience. Later, we moved on to creating an explanation text to outline how Blue John was created using Geographical vocabulary associated with the aspects of a cave.

Connecting out understanding of symmetry in Maths, we explored the design features of the Taj Mahal. Using half of an image outlining the Taj Mahal building, we then created the basic structure of the building on the other half of the blank page to create symmetrical artwork.

To celebrate National School Sport Week, our Sports Ambassadors devised a plan to set up different sporting activities on the playground for us to enjoy at breaktimes this week. From dodgeball to tennis, we spent our breaktimes playing with friends, developing our skills and enjoying time taking part in team games. We are thrilled to have been given the opportunity to grow in confidence and take part in sports we might not normally play.

Thinking like a Historian, we examined how the Vikings tried to take over the country and explored how close they got. We grasped that Vikings kept coming to Britain for almost 300 years first as raiders then as conquerors. We identified a period of time when the Vikings were successful and another when they were not. Using terms such as raiders and settlement, we discussed the importance of the Danelaw as an area of Viking settlement and analysed turning points in the Viking’s fortunes.

The countdown is now on to Sports Day and we are looking forward to inviting our loved ones to come and watch us race next week! Have a great weekend, Year 4.



Sports Day – Wednesday 28th June

Summer Fair – Friday 30th June