Year 5 - Autumn 1 - Week 3

Date: 21st Sep 2023 @ 8:16pm


Another week races by in the Year 5 classroom!


Our Science work took us on a journey into the great unknown…outer space! We are already fascinated by this topic and have been adding so much to our knowledge in just the first few lessons. In one particular lesson, we took ourselves to the school field as we needed a large, open area for what we were going to do. Here, we created a human, scale model of our Solar System…using toilet roll! With our Sun at the centre of the field, the children (each responsible for a certain planet) had to place themselves a specific number of squares of toilet paper away from the sun in order to represent their scaled distance in outer space. So, our Mercury and inner planet teams didn’t need to take all that many steps to represent their 48 million+ kilometres from the sun. However, our Uranus and Neptune teams certainly raised their step count and ended up near the outskirts of our school field. We hope this fun activity helped to create a bit more understanding of just how vast our solar system actually is.

In our Collective Worship work, we explored our monthly value focus on ‘Creation’. We started by watching a short video that represented how God created the world in seven days (as per the Bible story in Genesis). The children then applied their creativity by creating a “Creation Cube” in which each face of the cube represented a different day of the world’s creation. Of course, the seventh day wasn’t included because this is the day that God rested and made holy. It was great to observe the children’s careful creation of their cubes during an excellent Collective Worship session.  


In English, we continued to delve further into our focus text, ‘Queen of the Falls’. We also read some biographies from the inspirational book, ‘Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls’ as we learned about computer scientist, Margaret Hamilton, who played a pivotal role in the Apollo 11 moon landing. There will be plenty more tales of courage, bravery and creativity to follow as we continue to explore this book! Not only that, following our work on Wonder, we found out that RJ Palacio had written a bonus chapter from the viewpoint of the character of Julian, which was not featured in the original release nor the film. We look forward to reading even more next week!  


In Maths, we have been focusing upon rounding. Next week’s lessons will continue our focus on rounding and extend to negative numbers. We’re sure there will be plenty more Maths games thrown in there too!


Another highlight was our visit from the ‘Bring the Fire’ project who taught us some circus skills ahead of the arrival of the Big Top circus next week. We had a try at juggling, plate spinning and more. Great fun!


A fantastic week and we are already looking forward to all that next week will bring. In the meantime, enjoy your weekend and I will see you all on Monday!