Year 5 - Autumn 1 - Week 4

Date: 27th Sep 2022 @ 3:57pm


Another week flies by in the Year 5 classroom and we have so much to report! Let’s share just a few of our highlights from this week here…


It was a particularly proud moment to start our school week as Year 5 led the KS2 Harvest Service at St. Peter’s Church. The children displayed such courage and confidence through beautiful readings, prayers and a drama recreation of a well-known Bible story, ‘Feeding the 5000’. We even had an understudy who filled in as Jesus at the last minute! Through this service, we thanked God for the creation of the world and reminded our school community about the importance of helping others in need, particularly through such vital causes as Southport Foodbank. Well done, Year 5!     


In our RE work, we continued to explore the Bible. Using the 66 books that make up the greatest story ever told, we created some Bible word art. Our “wordles” demonstrated our ever-growing knowledge of the Bible in a creative and eye-catching format.


We also marked El día Europeo de las lenguas (The European Day of Languages) by inviting Sarah Serey Canales from Kidslingo into our classroom who taught us even more about Spanish culture and lifestyle as well as playing some fun games, songs and activities to further improve our ever-growing linguistic skills. ¡Fenomenal!


In this week’s Maths lessons, we have focused on rounding numbers to different amounts. Next week’s lessons will move onto multiplying and dividing whole numbers and decimals by 10, 100 and 1000.


As if there wasn’t enough excitement, we also had our whole-school Readathon on Monday and Tuesday too! This event involved at least one class throughout the school reading at any one time throughout these two days. We fully embraced these ‘Drop Everything and Read’ sessions with great enjoyment as the children selected from fiction to non-fiction…fantasy novels to comic books…e-books to good old paperbacks. Not only that, we also read the Shakespearean tragedy of Macbeth in comic book strip form with the witches’ prophecies and the unfortunate plot twist providing both shock and enjoyment within our classroom.  


Last but not least, we had our first school trip on Thursday as we headed to Bootle Town Hall to watch a theatre production titled, 'A World Away'. This health educational drama was moving, poignant and great fun in equal measure. It taught the children about the impact that smoking can have and encouraged good health choices from the children as they get older. We loved it and especially the Q&A afterwards where we learned a few theatre tricks as well as exploring the plot even further.


So, a brilliant week comes to an end and I wish each of you an enjoyable and well-deserved weekend. See you Monday!



-The booking system on School Spider for the Parent-Teacher Meetings on Tuesday 11th October and Wednesday 12th October will go live on Monday 3rd October at 6pm and close on Friday 7th October at 6pm.

-Maths and English homework tasks can be found on 'Mirodo'.

- Weekly spellings can be found on Google Classroom.

-Children should return their reading records every Tuesday.