Year 5 - Autumn 1 - Week 5

Date: 5th Oct 2023 @ 8:07pm


A fantastic week races by in Year 5!


In RE, we continued to explore the Christian Bible with its many books and stories. We considered the word ‘sacred’ and its meaning and what it takes for an object to be thought of in this way. To do this, we thought of items that we hold dear and that are treasured within our own lives. We then connected our items to the sacred nature of the Bible by making comparisons and establishing differences.


In Art, we have explored space imagery and experimented with line drawing to achieve our desired effects. This required both creativity and patience in equal measure and the children were proud of their creations and enjoyed looking at each other’s work too.


In Maths, a particularly fun lesson challenged us as we learned how to count like a Mayan. We learned how the Maya numeral system was base-20 and made up of three symbols: zero (a shell), one (a dot) and five (a bar). We enjoyed applying our arithmetic skills to such questions and many of the Year 5 children certainly would not have been “counted out” of Mayan Civilisation culture!


In other Maths lessons, we have focused on multiplying by 10, 100 and 1000. Next week, we will extend this to include decimals as well as dividing by 10, 100 and 1000 too.


Following our discovery of the bonus chapters of ‘Wonder’ by RJ Palacio, we enjoyed reading this as a class and uncovering even more about Julian’s character and motive. As these chapters were not included in the original release of both the book and film, the children were desperate to find out what happened next…and it was worth the wait! Now it’s time to choose a new class novel, however we will most definitely take the lessons that Wonder has taught us forward into the rest of the school year. Most notably, ‘Choose Kind’ and ‘Choose Wisely’.


Wishing you all a brilliant weekend and see you on Monday!



-Spellings continue to be uploaded onto Google Classroom each Friday and are tested the following Friday in class.


-Homework is also set for English and Maths via ‘Mirodo’ and is set each Friday and should be returned the following Wednesday.