Year 5 - Autumn 1 - Week 6

Date: 11th Oct 2023 @ 9:27pm


Yet another brilliant week with so much learning and lots of highlights throughout! Here are just a few…


On Thursday, it was La Fiesta Nacional de España (Spanish National Day)! We marked the day by focusing on the many and varied areas of Spanish lifestyle and culture. ¡Muy bien!


In RE, we continued our focus on the Bible as we used this lesson to explore Christianity as a living faith through the inspiring story of Desmond Doss. Desmond Doss was a Christian combat medic who was awarded the congressional medal of honour for saving the lives of 75 men. He was a conscientious objector who never carried a gun. He is also the subject of the film, ‘Hacksaw Ridge’. First, we completed a circle thinking map using only picture clues to infer what we could about Desmond. Then we further learned about his life and his honourable actions that all came about because he fervently stood by his beliefs. This helped us to really explore Christianity as a “living faith” and to unpick our key question, ‘how can belief affect people’s actions?’.


We have now reached the end of the gripping tale that we have been reading over the last few weeks in our English sessions: ‘The Queen of the Falls’. This picturebook is based on the fascinating tale of Annie Edson Taylor, a “daredevil” from the 1900s who dreamed of fame and fortune and became the first person to survive a trip over Niagara Falls…whilst inside a barrel! You could hear a pin drop whenever we read this story in class and the children were hanging onto every word. Although many predicted that Annie would be successful in her plight, this made what followed all the more shocking. The tumultuous ending in the aftermath of Annie’s feat led to many dropped jaws and shocked faces. Following this, we took part in a debate where the children considered the critical question: ‘Was Annie’s barrel feat a success?’ This led to a most impassioned and enthusiastic debate that was an absolute pleasure to be a part of. Next week, the children will write their final pieces within their author books, which is a diary entry based upon Annie’s incredible journey.


In our Maths lessons, we have focused on multiplying and dividing decimals by 10, 100 and 1000. Next week, we will move onto inverse operations and solving addition and subtraction word problems.


Wishing you all an enjoyable weekend before the final school week of this half term next week!



-Spellings continue to be uploaded onto Google Classroom each Friday and are tested the following Friday in class.


-Homework is also set for English and Maths via ‘Mirodo’ and is set each Friday and should be returned the following Wednesday.