Year 5 - Autumn 1 - Week 7

Date: 19th Oct 2023 @ 9:09pm


The end of the first half term already! Time has absolutely raced by and it is more than fair to say that Year 5 have worked extremely hard and have already achieved so much. It has been a pleasure to get to know each of the children and it genuinely feels like we have been a class team for longer than just these seven weeks. So this bodes well for the remaining five half terms to come!


In English, we completed our first Author Book work of this year based on our focus text, ‘Queen of the Falls’. The children completed their final pieces with such focus, care and pride and each was a pleasure to read. These diary entries have made an excellent opening page to our Year 5 writing journey. Well done, Year 5!


In Maths, we have focused on factors. We also had a particularly enjoyable session from the HMRC outreach programme which taught us all about tax. We learned about how taxation works, where taxes are spent and even the chance to become Chancellor too. After the half term break, we will be focusing upon prime numbers and prime factors.


In our Collective Worship work, we focused on our monthly value of ‘Thankfulness’. We took the opportunity to further relate this to our school value of ‘Enjoy’, considering how thankfulness, gratitude and appreciating our opportunities is central to this. Now that our first half term has drawn to a close, we reflected on all that we are thankful for, whether at home, in school or elsewhere.


Thank you, Year 5, for a great first half term where I have loved getting to know each and every one of you. There are plenty more highlights to come throughout the rest of the year but, in the meantime, go and enjoy the half term break!


Some reminders for after half term:

  • Spellings have been set as usual via Google Classroom and will be tested at the end of the first week back at school after half term.
  • There is no set homework for next week, however the Year 5 ‘Virtual Classroom’ has been updated and attached to this blog, which includes links to a variety of websites and resources. All pupils' individual passwords can all be found on Google Classroom. Don't forget, there is also the ‘Practice’ section on Mirodo where the children can choose any topic they wish to practise for Maths, Reading, SpaG or Science.
  • PE for Year 5 will remain on Thursdays and Fridays.


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