Year 5 - Autumn 2 - Week 1

Date: 3rd Nov 2023 @ 12:30pm

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What a brilliant week we have had! As our Year 5 children returned from a well-deserved week’s rest, we really enjoyed welcoming them back and hearing about all of their family time and activities during the time off. As we commence this brand-new half term, we are very much looking forward to the many exciting opportunities and learning that awaits!


Could there be a better (and more fun) start to a new half term than filming for our Celebration of Kindness video? Without giving too much away ahead of the big reveal, many laughs were had between the Year 5 children as we were reminded to ‘Laugh More and Worry Less’. We are very much looking forward to watching the final version at the end of next week!


In English, we are reading a traditional tale…with a twist. ‘The Lost Happy Endings’ has stimulated some fantastic discussion from the children so far and we can’t wait to see what next week brings, especially as the story will soon take a dark and sinister turn. Wait and see…


In our Maths learning this week, we have focused on understanding and applying the Maths terminology of prime numbers. A lot of this learning relied on our times table and division facts knowledge and fluency! Next week, we will move onto square numbers, cube numbers and prime factors.


Our artwork focused on ‘retrofuturism’ where we explored how the “future” was depicted in earlier eras through various artwork. We then had to imagine our own predictions about what the future could hold before using collagraph painting in our final pieces. See the picture above!


A really enjoyable first week of this half term has been had. Have a great weekend everyone and enjoy any firework displays or bonfires that you may be attending. Stay safe!



Homework will also resume from this week and has been set on Mirodo for Maths and English on Friday (3rd) and is due to be completed on or before the following Wednesday (8th). Weekly spellings have also been set which will be tested next Friday (10th).