Year 5 - Autumn 2 - Week 2

Date: 13th Sep 2023 @ 2:50pm


What a fantastic second week in the Year 5 classroom!


In RE, we started our new unit which is centred around the Bible. We learned the history of the Bible in our first lesson and how it is made up of up to 66 different books with many different writers. We then were tasked with navigating the Bible itself using the book, chapter and verse to find the scripture that was required. After a few quick practises, the children then completed a problem-solving task in which they were given a specific Bible book, chapter and verse and they had to find the animal mentioned in that section.


In our English work, we began our writing focus for this half term which is centred around the incredible (and somewhat bizarre) tale of Annie Edson Taylor in 1901. All that we know so far is that Annie is a school teacher who performed a daredevil stunt involving a barrel and Niagara Falls. We enjoyed using our inference skills to investigate a picture of Annie to attempt to predict what the story is all about. There were also some jaw-dropping moments as we explored some different daredevils, including Danny Macaskill and his BMX skills in the short film, ‘The Ridge’.


Our Maths lessons have involved lots of place value games to help improve and develop our knowledge and understanding. This has included place value bingo and some tense games of ‘Nice or Nasty’ where the Year 5 children were pitted against their teacher. The scores are tied at 1-1 with a Year 5 victory in game one which was met with many, MANY cheers! Next week, we will continue our focus on place value, extending to rounding.


Ahead of the arrival of the Team TSP Big Top Circus on Tuesday 26th September, we were treated to an art workshop from Jenny from ‘Outline Arts’. Each class in the school was given an art task that will come together to form a whole school display. Year 5 designed some circus animals and we’re already excited to see how the finished piece looks!


A poster containing 100 recommended reads for Year 5 children has been attached to this blog. By providing 100 quality texts at an age-appropriate level, this list may be useful when choosing your child's next book. We hope it inspires the children to continue on in their reading journeys whilst further encouraging a lifelong love of books and stories.  


Weekly Maths and English homework tasks will be uploaded on Mirodo ( from next Friday (22nd September). Login details have been sent home with the children and we recommend that each family spends some time with their child before this date to ensure that login details work and to familiarise with the website. The children will also have the opportunity to try the website next week in class to ensure that they are confident navigating to the homework section. Going forward, homework will continue to be set in this way each Friday to be returned the following Wednesday. To confirm, login details have been sent home with your child and can also be found on Google Classroom.


Have a fantastic weekend everyone and see you Monday!

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