Year 5 - Spring 1 - Week 4

Date: 30th Jan 2024 @ 10:28am

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February has arrived and another week flies on by! This week has been typically full of learning and fun opportunities which also coincided with ‘National Storytelling Week’. Here is just a snapshot of some of our learning below…


As it is National Storytelling Week, we explored world building within various book series, video games and films that we love. Many examples included Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, Narnia, Avatar and many more. We considered how the creator would map out various aspects and features of their unique storytelling worlds before the story itself unfolds. Inspired, we created our own storytelling worlds, letting our imaginations take us into these new lands of endless possibilities.


In Collective Worship, we commenced our new monthly value of ‘Love’, which we have connected closely to our school value of Nurture that refers to being kind to ourselves and others. We watched a video titled ‘Love Has No Labels’ which showed us that love exists in so many different ways. The video challenged us to always be open minded and work to stop bias and prejudice in the world around us.


Our main focus in Maths was on converting between improper fractions and mixed numbers. To practise this, we used lots of games including a whole class loop game, Blooket and a version of UK gameshow, ‘Mr and Mrs’ (however retitled as Mr/Miss Improper Fraction/Mixed Number). There was lots of hard work throughout and hopefully the children can apply their understanding within this week’s Mirodo homework too. Next week, we will move onto adding and subtracting fractions.


We completed our class writing focus book, ‘Arthur and the Golden Rope’, this week too. It is fair to say that nearly all the children fell for the twist at the end as our main character was thought to have been gravely injured by Fenrir the wolf before some magic was revealed to have saved the day. We loved reading this picturebook together and exploring the various features and elements of Norse mythology throughout. Our work this week included lots of thinking map work to analyse Arthur’s various quests as well as breaking down the key elements of the story. Next week, we will start to plan a Norse adventure myth of our own!


A fun week and I hope you all have equally fun weekends too. See you Monday!



-A Year 5 Clarinet performance will be taking place on Monday 5th February at 2:30pm in our school hall. The children will showcase a few of the pieces that they have been learning as part of our Music curriculum offer using this instrument. Please enter the hall via the KS1 playground entrance at the front of the school and the children can be picked up and taken home directly following the performance. It will finish in time for normal end of the school day arrangements.