Year 5 - Spring 1 - Week 5

Date: 6th Feb 2024 @ 9:57am


What a fantastic week to end this half term! It has flown by in record time and there is much to be grateful for and to reflect upon.


Our week started with a particularly proud moment as families of the Year 5 children were invited into school on Monday afternoon to watch a clarinet showcase concert. The performance detailed the musical journey that the children have been on since first picking up their clarinets in Year 4. The children had the opportunity to showcase many of the pieces that they have been learning, of varying difficulty and styles, and were met with a well-deserved, rousing round of applause at the end. Well done to them! Thank you also to Mrs McCardle from Sefton Music Service for supporting the children so brilliantly throughout their time learning clarinet. Some of the children are keen to continue their tuition in extra sessions in Year 6 and they will have this opportunity should they wish.

As Safer Internet Day was during this week, we have had a range of different opportunities linked to promoting the safe and positive use of digital technology for children. The children explored their online lives and a range of discussions and online scenarios were presented to them where they had to apply their learning to reach a safe solution. This inspired many conversations about using technology responsibly, respectfully, critically, and creatively. A particular highlight of our Safer Internet focus was undoubtedly the chance to delve into the world of ‘Interland’. This Google-produced adventure game enabled the children to become fearless explorers of the online world across a range of islands including: Mindful Mountain, Kind Kingdom, Reality River and Tower of Treasure. Each island linked to a key element of online safety and the children had a blast working their way through each whilst thoroughly enjoying the journey. If you require any further information regarding Online Safety, please visit our Online Safety section on the school’s website.


In RE this week, we completed an evaluation of our learning throughout this half term which was focused around Jesus as a teacher. The children’s responses showed such deep, considered thinking and demonstrated the impressive learning throughout this topic. 


In Maths, we focused on fractions and particularly ordering and comparing fractions with different denominators. As with so many aspects of Year 5 Maths, times table knowledge is so key for identifying these patterns quickly and efficiently. Remember, practice makes permanent so the best way to improve multiplication skills is to ensure full confidence in all times tables up to 12x12. After half term, we will continue to focus upon fractions whilst finding equivalences to decimals and percentages too.  


Also in Maths, we have been busy participating in the North West Sumdog Contest where the children were challenged to answer 1000 questions before the contest door slammed shut on Thursday evening. The children displayed excellent determination and positivity and the team spirit throughout Year 5 was just amazing to see. We are over the moon to WIN the contest out of all of the schools in the north-west that entered. An amazing achievement!


In English, you could hear a pin drop in the Year 5 classroom as each child was determined to make their final writing pieces the very best that they could be. We were tasked with writing our own Norse-style myth, using inspiration from our class focus book, Arthur & the Golden Rope. The children also had the task of accompanying their work with some artwork and illustrations. The final versions are impressive and testament to the creativity as well as hard work and effort that the children have showcased throughout this half term.


So that’s that! Another half term passes by and a well-earned rest for this hardworking class of children awaits. Make the most of it everyone and I look forward to seeing you all in a week’s time. Enjoy!



-Weekly spellings have been set as normal and will be tested after the half term break.


-There is no set Maths and English homework for next week, however the Year 5 ‘Virtual Classroom’ has been updated and attached to this blog, which includes links to a variety of websites and resources. All pupils' individual passwords can be found on Google Classroom. Don't forget, there is also the ‘Practice’ section on Mirodo where the children can choose any topic they wish to practise for Maths, Reading, SPaG or Science. 

-As per the message on School Spider, the Year 5 children will have their PE sessions after half term on a Tuesday and Wednesday (swimming). Children should come to school in their full PE kit on these days. Swimming will continue for part of the next half term and a message update will follow to confirm the end date when finalised.


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