Year 5 - Spring 2 - Week 2

Date: 27th Feb 2024 @ 10:41am



Yet another busy, busy school week! The Year 5 children continue to give their all and it’s time to share just some of our highlights…


In Maths, we have been practising converting between fractions, decimals and percentages. This has involved plenty of games, using LBQ and lots of hard work. Next week’s Maths will focus on problem solving questions involving the four operations.


As part of our Maths learning (also linking with our Science space topic), we focused on a particular date that only comes around once every four years – leap day! After learning more about exactly why we have leap years and the maths behind it, the children completed a range of problems to determine which years, both past and future, are leap years. There were also additional problems where the children had to apply their reasoning and even more complex maths to calculate their answers. So, a happy 29th February it was and we look forward to the next in four years’ time!   


In our English work, we have continued our journey through the picturebook, ‘The Darkest Dark’. We have spent much of the week learning more about the moon landings in 1969 and using our research to build quality sentences including brackets. After finishing the story, the children have correctly predicted that Chris, our main character, is in fact a real astronaut who went on to achieve his childhood ambition of visiting outer space. We look forward to finding out even more about his life next week as we build towards writing a biography!


In RE, we have been focused on our key question linked to Easter, ‘Why do Christians believe that Easter is a celebration of victory?’ We discussed the meaning of this key word and connected various definitions and synonyms to its true meaning. To demonstrate our understanding, we each made a victory collage which included different images and representations of victory and being victorious.


Well done everyone on an another typically excellent week. Enjoy your weekends and see you on Monday!




-World Book Day is on Thursday 7th March. We look forward to an amazing day ahead and already can’t wait to see the different costumes on display!


-The children’s final swimming lesson will take place on Wednesday 6th March. The children will require clothing again for this session to complete their survival swimming assessment. Following this session, the children’s PE days will be Tuesdays (school PE) and Thursdays (school PE).