Year 5 - Spring 2 - Week 3

Date: 10th Mar 2022 @ 9:27pm


Another exciting week in the Year 5 classroom and even more so with National Careers Week and International Women’s Day being a part of it too!


For International Women’s Day (and launching our National Careers Week), we completed a gender-based activity that set out to prove that there is no such thing as a girl’s occupation or a boy’s occupation. The children were first tasked with drawing a picture of their first impression when they heard different job roles. Such occupations included: doctor, footballer, policeworker and hairdresser. We then discussed the main gender choices made and how the pictures that we completed may have looked very different if the same activity was completed in a previous generation. The discussions we had were brilliant for unpicking gender stereotypes and promoting equality. All of our discussions and learning was then cemented by watching the powerful ‘Like A Girl’ advert from Always as well as Nike’s ‘What are girls made of?’ advert which further inspired us to research some powerful female role models of our own.


Our National Careers Week focus continued with two amazing and motivating career talks from both a neurosurgeon and a psychologist. We are greatly appreciative to both Mrs Harris and Mr Guyers for sharing their career journeys with us and for helping to inspire a new generation of potential future workers in your chosen fields.


In RE, we continued to explore the events of Holy Week whilst linking this to Christianity’s view of Easter as both a victory and a sacrifice. The children ordered the main events of Holy Week and summarised each within their RE books by linking each point to its picture representation.    


For Maths, we have worked with both resilience and effort as we tackled some assessments to check our understanding of our learning so far this school year. Not only that, we also managed to fit in ‘The Pirate Game’ as well as a percentage scavenger hunt on our school field.


In our English work, we continued to progress in our reading of the excellent picturebook, ‘The Darkest Dark’. We explored the development of Chris’ character from the beginning of the story to now and, next week, we will move onto preparation for our first piece of author book work of this half term. Bring it on!


Last but not least (and we do advise you to approach with caution when entering into this) but please do ask your child their stance on our question of this week: ‘Are there more doors or wheels in the world?’ This class debate started up a frenzy within Year 5 with so many opinions willingly and enthusiastically shared en masse. We fully see why this particular question went viral across the Internet throughout this week and it certainly prompted such excellent thinking within our class.   


Time does always seem to fly in Year 5. Wishing you all an enjoyable weekend and see you on Monday!